[emsev_ml:00449] Solidarity, help, exchange of knowledge
Dear Friends and Colleagues from Japan,
I, my friends and colleagues are with you in front of natural and anthropogenic catastrophes!
We believe that the Japan people will overcome soon the enormous consequences!
Please, visit our web site ( http://theo.inrne.bas.bg/~mavrodi/ ) to see that if Japan Geomagnetic Intermagnet stations used our analysis, they could wait the imminent increasing of seismicity in the region.
We are ready to discuss the Collaboration with Japan colleagues for researching the possibilities for solving the "when, where and how" earthquakes prediction problem on the basis of complex monitoring and inverse problem nonlinear analysis.
The Japan Intermagnet stations have local geomagnetic, Earth electricity and Vertical electrical current measurements with almost appropriate samples/second. So we can start the test our Research program.
Concerning the refrigerating efforts,we would like to propose the using of slow down (better liquid) metals like aluminum, lead,(mercury ?),..., ftor, but not H2O. Please, remember the technology of Submarine reactors.
Strachimir Chterev Mavrodiev,
Coordinator of FP7, IRSES Project "Complex Research of Earthquake¡Çs forecasting possibilities, seismicity and Climate change correlations"
P.S.1. Please, inform the Nuclear and Governmental authorities for our mail.
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Ukrainian seismic monitoring station records Japan earthquake and blast (Kyiv Post) The main special monitoring center of the State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU) has been recording all of the earthquakes that have struck Japan over the last few days, the center told Interfax-Ukraine on Monday.
"The PS-45 seismic monitoring station in Malyn (Zhytomyr region) recorded all the tremors in Japan over the last few days, including an explosion at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The online monitoring of the situation is currently continuing," a center representative said. .
He noted that several years ago, Ukrainian experts had drafted a project to create the Ionosat satellite earthquake warning system.
"Unfortunately, due to the lack of funds, the introduction of the system is expected in Ukraine no earlier than in 2015-2017," he said.
The Ukrainian PS-45 seismic monitoring station in Malyn is a list of objects of the international system of control over the implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).£¸¥«·îÁ°¤«¤éÅÅÇȰ۾ËÌÂ縦µæ¥°¥ë¡¼¥×´Ñ¬¡¡¡ÖÃÏ¿ÌÁ°Ãû¤Î²ÄǽÀ¡×¡ÊË̳¤Æ»¿·Ê¹¡Ë ¡¡Ì¤Á¾Í¤ÎÈï³²¤ò¤â¤¿¤é¤·¤¿ÅìÆüËÜÂç¿ÌºÒ¤ÎÌ󣸥«·îÁ°¤«¤é¡¢ÅìËÌÃÏÊý¤Î£Æ£ÍÊüÁ÷¤ÎÅÅÇȤ¬¶¯¤¯¤Ê¤ëÅÅÇȰ۾郎³¤¤¤Æ¤¤¤¿¤³¤È¤¬¡¢ËÌÂç¤Î¸¦µæ¥°¥ë¡¼¥×¤Î´Ñ¬¤Çʬ¤«¤Ã¤¿¡£Æ»Æâ¤Î²áµî¤ÎÂçÃÏ¿ÌȯÀ¸Á°¤Ë¤âƱÍͤΰ۾郎¤¢¤ê¡¢Æ±¥°¥ë¡¼¥×¤Ï¡ÖÁ°Ãû¸½¾Ý¤Î²ÄǽÀ¤¬¤¢¤ë¡×¤È¤ß¤Æ¤¤¤ë¡£
ÂçÃÏ¿ÌÁ°¤ËÅÅÇÈ°Û¾ï´Ñ¬¡Ê½½¾¡ËèÆü, 2008.10.7¡Ë
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Tsunami Deaths and Damages Could Have Been Avoided, Italian Scientist Tells EIR (EIR) Comments from Prof. Biagi: The data reported by the journalists are not correct at all! The precursor I said is not on the radio data but on the GPS location of a laboratory.ÅìÆüËÜÂç¿ÌºÒ¤ÏͽÊó²Äǽ¤À¤Ã¤¿¤Î¤«?
Practically, some physics working in a laboratory located at about 300 km from the epicenter regarding the neutrino physics are collecting the GPS data (latitude, longitude and altitude) of their site from October 2010.
On March 1, 2011 an abrupt decrease of the altitute started and it continued till March 11 reaching the value of -3 meter. This information was given to me as private communication and I obtained by the responsible persons of the experiment the permission to divulgate only as private communication.
I attach the comunication I made at EGU Assembly as part of a my poster because I think that this communication could be divulgate. I hope to be able to obtain more data and informations at this regard in future.¥Ð¥êÂç³Ø¤ÎʪÍý³Ø¶µ¼ø¤Ç¤¢¤êÃÏ¿ÌͽÊ󸦵æ¤ÎÂè°ì¿Í¼Ô¤Ç¤¢¤ë¥¤¥¿¥ê¥¢¤Î¥Ô¥¨¡¼¥ë¡¦¥Õ¥é¥ó¥·¥¹¥³¡¦¥Ó¥¢¥Ã¥¸»á¤Ï¡¢¥ª¡¼¥¹¥È¥ê¥¢¤Î¥¦¥£¡¼¥ó¤Ç¹Ô¤ï¤ì¤ëÀ¾²¤Ãϵå²Ê³Ø²ñµÄ¡Ê£´·î£´Æü¤«¤é£¸Æü¤Þ¤Ç¡Ë¤Ë¤Æ¡¢ÆüËܤǵ¯¤³¤Ã¤¿ÃϿ̤ϣ³·î£±ÆüÉÕ¤±¤Ç¡¢¤Ä¤Þ¤ê¼ÂºÝ¤ÎÃϿ̤Σ±£°ÆüÁ°¤Ëͽ¬¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤¿»ö¼Â¤òȯɽ¤¹¤ë¤³¤È¤Ë¤Ê¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£April 1, 2011 (EIRNS)—Japanese scientists had detected precursors of a large earthquake on March 1, ten days before it struck, Professor Pier Francesco Biagi told EIR today. Biagi is the leading Italian researcher on Earthquake precursors. He pointed out that if a government agency had been in place, evacuation measures could have been implemented and the tsunami would have claimed no victims and caused no damage, including at the Fukushima nuclear plant.
The warning would have not stopped the tsunami and the destruction of the pumps, he stated, but the advanced warning would have provided the time to shut off the reactors ten days in advance of the earthquake, instead of ten minutes, as actually happened. This could have ensured the safe cooling of the reactors, he noted. Biagi said that his Japanese colleagues will present the evidence at the coming General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, which will take place in Vienna April 4-8.
It is not clear whether Japanese scientists did warn the government, but that nothing was done, or, more probably, whether their warnings were turned down by the "scientific community."
Prof. Biagi welcomed Lyndon LaRouche's proposal to restart the U.S. National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (USNEHRP), and to integrate NASA into it. He said, however, that the original flaw of establishing a deadline for results, must be corrected. You cannot, say, that "in ten years we will analyze results, which were the conditions imposed on the USNEHRP, and, on the basis of those conditions, that, we will decide whether the funding should continue." He said it must be an open-ended program: it could be the case that in ten years, not enough results have been collected, because of a low level of activity; but it could be that enough results would be achieved in only three years, because of a high level of activity.
If he were the head of NASA and could decide on programs to finance for earthquake precursors, Biagi said he would immediately start a "very selected program of nano-satellites." The first nano-satellite would cost one million euros, and each successive one 600,000 euros. In reality this amount is peanuts, but there is no government financing of that. The Italians tried a couple of years ago to promote a European program, but they did not succeed.
Governments prefer to finance other programs, such as "the coupling of polar bears," he said ironically.
France was the only nation that sent a satellite in orbit specifically for earthquake research, with its Demeter satellite. Its data were "very interesting," Biagi said.
We are definitely in a phase of high level earthquake activity, Biagi observed. It is evident that seismic cycles coincide with sun activity.
Research of precursors is currently done in very few countries, and these are, in order importance of programs: Japan, Italy, Greece and Russia.
Those scientist groups meet regularly and coordinate their activity. Biagi works closely with Hayakawa and Molchanov, among others. The problem is that none of those programs are government-financed and scientists must organize private financing, sometimes in quite ingenious ways.
The Italians are collecting and evaluating data detected by a network of transmitters throughout the world, which are otherwise used for other purposes. They collect data on electromagnetic activity in advance of earthquakes. They are able to forecast with ten days of lead time, and with a probability of more than 80% accuracy, that a major earthquake will hit a certain region. Of course, the locality cannot be indicated with absolute precision, but within approximately a 100 km radius.
* ´ØÏ¢¡§Possible seismo-ionosphere perturbations revealed by VLF signals collected on ground and on a satellite (NHESS)Ãí¡§Ã±ÆȬ°Ì¤Ë¤è¤ë¸íº¹¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ç¤¹¡¦¡¦¡¦
* »²¹Í¡§International Network for Frontier Research on Earthquake PrecursorsEGU General Assembly 2011 NH4.1/SM5.8 Seismo electro-magnetic phenomena and earthquakes precursors
NH4.3/SM5.1 Seismic hazard evaluation, precursory phenomena and reliability of prediction
Papers of Special Interest in NH4.1: Seismo electro-magnetic phenomena and earthquakes precursors
Papers of Special Interest in NH4.3: Seismic hazard evaluation, precursory phenomena and reliability of prediction
Special session on earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan | EGU MediaEGU2011-9105
Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) model - an unified concept for earthquake precursors validation
Sergey Pulinets and Dimitar Ouzounov
Thu, 07 Apr 2011, 15:45–16:00, Oral, Room 11
Contact: S. Pulinets
Japan Quake Precursors
* ´ØÏ¢¡§Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) model - An unified concept for earthquake precursors validation (Journal of Asian Earth Sciences)Was the Japanese Earthquake Forecastable? (Just World) Pier Francesco Biagi, a professor in the physics department at the University of Bari, and the leading researcher on earthquake precursors in Italy, has announced that he will be presenting shocking evidence, during an upcoming meeting of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna, Austria this week, that he and his team of researchers possessed knowledge of the major possibility of an impending earthquake which would hit Japan within a window of ten days, as early as March 1st. The earthquake hit precisely ten days later.
How could Biagi have known?
Professor Biagi and his team of researchers have been working for several years on the study of how changes in Very Low Frequency and Low Frequency radio waves can indicate areas of possible future seismic activity. Anomalies in this low band radio environment have been shown, by Biagi, to correlate with major seismic events. Using this method, Biagi's team insists that earthquakes can be forecast up to ten days in advance, with a higher than 80% probability, within a given 100km radius.
The key to Biagi's method is the use of ground-based radio transmitters coupled with orbiting satellites. Biagi¡Çs team has depended in large part on the now-offline DEMETER satellite, launched in 2004 by the French Space Agency to measure the relationship between ionospheric disturbances and seismic events. Data from this satellite and from ground sensors was used by Biagi and his team to monitor anomalous changes in the ionospheric and atmospheric low band frequency radio ranges.
* »²¹Í¡§ International Network for Frontier Research on Earthquake PrecursorsSeimology Early Warning System Seminar (CITRIS, 2011.4.5)
Russian specialists intend to develop methods of earthquake prediction based on space programs (Roskosmos, 2011.4.7)
Russian specialists are just a few hours before the earthquake in Japan has information about the impending threat, said General Director of JSC "Russian space systems" Jury Urlichich at a meeting in Novo-Ogaryovo on the development prospects of Russian space exploration.
"For seven hours before the first tremor on 8 March in Japan, we predicted that there could be some kind of cataclysms," - said Yuri Urlichich during the meeting.
According to Yu Urlichich, information was obtained through monitoring the Earth's ionosphere.
He also said that several years ago, the European Space Agency chose the JSC "Russian Space Systems as a co-executor of the program on the prediction of earthquakes based on space systems.
For its part, Director General of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Research Institute of Machine Building, Gennady Raykunov said that "today there is no unambiguous data and credible signs that precede an earthquake." At the same time, he said, "there is a correlation between the geophysical phenomena in the near-Earth space and the subsequent catastrophic events." "In order to forecast earthquakes are also conducted experiments on the Russian segment of ISS. Created Roscosmos and Sciences Coordinating Scientific-Technical Council has allowed a new approach to the planning of such activities on the ISS. This, in essence, a new mechanism of research in space," - noted he said.
G. Raykunov also said that at present developing the concept of a space means to prevent asteroids and comets.
Romanov, RSS Contribution to Pre-Earthquakes, Pre-Earthquakes Kick-off Meeting, Potenza, March 15, 2011Report from Vienna: A Firsthand View of the Battle for Earthquake Forecasting (EIR) Especially the Japanese have been having problems getting any kind of state funding, because there seems to be a real, well, I would say a real skunk named Robert Geller, who, in his function at the University of Tokyo and the Earthquake Research Institute, has, as one of the participants told us, systematically been involved in shutting down any state grants. This section of the Tokyo University has the power to distribute funding into precursor research, and it's all going to strictly seismological research, and everything that the researchers we talked to come up with, is systematically attacked, and shot down. And one participant was able to tell us that this happened to one of his colleagues personally. That's definitely something where they see it, but they have a kind of idealism that comes from being a real scientist, that they don't expect a return, they don't expect recognition or gratification, but they know that it's important.Chinese satellite seeks to predict earthquakes | Ãæ¹ñ¤Î±ÒÀ±¤ÏÃϿ̤òͽ¬¤·¤è¤¦¤È¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë (SciDev.Net, 2011.4.19¡Ë [BEIJING] China will start building a test satellite later this month (April) to detect electromagnetic anomalies in the atmosphere, as part of the country's proposed earthquake monitoring network, and hopes to launch it in 2014.
The China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) has been in development since 2003 and is the first spaced-based component of the network. Its data will be correlated with data from ground-based monitoring systems.
The network is eventually intended to provide advance warning of earthquakes, such as the one off the coast of Japan last month (11 March).
Strong seismic activity often causes electromagnetic anomalies in the Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field, aiding the monitoring and prediction of earthquakes, studies suggest.
Shen Xuhui, a senior researcher at the Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration (CEA), and leader of the CSES working group, said the satellite will eventually be connected to a larger observation system. China hopes to launch another two satellites by 2017 and begin predicting earthquakes from 2020.
Michel Parrot, principal investigator of the French DEMETER (Detection of Electro-Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) microsatellite that studies similar anomalies, told SciDev.Net: "The CSES will study [electromagnetic] disturbances during seismic events. DEMETER has very often observed similar disturbances."
Simple data are not enough, however. "When you record a disturbance, you need to ensure that it is not caused by another factor, by comparing it with data at other locations," he said.
China's network is more ambitious than existing systems because it will use several satellites. "With a single satellite you can survey a given area for only a few minutes a day. With several satellites you can monitor a given location more often — if a disturbance is continuously observed at the same place, it is more reliable," added Parrot.
Since the DEMETER mission began six years ago, CEA researchers have been helping to analyse the data. China has also been working with other countries, including Italy, Russia and the Ukraine, that have their own seismo-electromagnetic systems.
Sergey Pulinets of the Fiodorov Institute of Applied Geophysics in Russia said that China has a more complicated task because, whereas DEMETER shows that earthquake precursors can be monitored from space, CSES will attempt to predict earthquakes. He said it could "make an important contribution to mankind's safety and prosperity".
Two days before Japan's earthquake last month, Chinese researchers detected abnormal electromagnetic signals in the area using ground-based systems, Shen told SciDev.Net. Following the earthquake, they analysed the signals and are sure these "have a close relationship" with the earthquake.
But the technique is still experimental and poses a risk of false alarms. "We therefore didn't do prediction or make any announcements," Shen said.Portents of earthquakes (RUVR, 2011.5.8¡Ë Russian and foreign experts will study the signs of earthquakes together. On the European part, the participants in the project are Germany, Italy and Turkey; NASA, representing the USA, and Greece are associated members. Russian science is represented by the Russian Space Systems company, the Fedorov Institute of Applied Geophysics and the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Waves Propagation.
As early as 2006, the Russian Space Systems company built a network of ground stations to monitor the ionosphere on the island of Sakhalin. Scientists analyzed changes in this upper layer of the atmosphere caused by seismic activity. Since that time, Russian satellites have more than once registered ionospheric disturbance ahead of earthquakes. Seven hours before the first tremors in Japan, scientists discovered similar anomalies over the site of the forthcoming disaster.
Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake (Technology Review, May 18) Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically in the days before the devastating earthquake in Japan, say scientists.* Atmosphere-Ionosphere Response to the M9 Tohoku Earthquake Revealed by Joined Satellite and Ground Observations. Preliminary results (arXiv) Do earthquakes give off warning signals? (ABC, May 20)
A team of NASA and Russian scientists thinks it's found a way to predict earthquakes. If it works, it could save a lot of lives. However, not all earthquake scientists agree with these findings.
The March 11 earthquake in Japan was a magnitude 9.1. A team of scientists monitoring quakes there say they could tell it was coming because the atmosphere above the epicenter was heating up from eight days before.
Russian scientist Dimitar Ouzounov says stresses on the Earth's crust leading up to a quake cause gases like radon to escape into the atmosphere -- 100 miles above the Earth they ionize and create heat that is detectable by satellites. Ouzounov's team says out of 24 quakes in Japan of magnitude 7 or greater, all showed the same atmospheric signals beforehand.
"His interpretation from my perspective is not the last word," says NASA Ames scientist and researcher Friedemann Freund, who agrees the atmosphere heats up, but not from escaped gases. He thinks as stresses on the Earth's crust build toward a quake, massive air ionization is a measurable result. But still, he cautions prediction is too strong a word.
"We will never be able to predict," he says. "We can forecast, like the weather service forecasts certain weather conditions, and the reason is whatever we do we can only detect the stress buildup in the Earth, not the earthquake itself."
"We've also learned a lot about the physics of failure of the Earth's crust and it is not reassuring," says USGS geophysicist Malcom Johnston, who believes quake precursors happen at such tiny places on a fault, it's impossible to know for sure what's coming. However, he says it's important to keep looking. "We are very honest about what does work and what doesn't work."
The NASA Russian team's data on the 24 Japan quakes will be released late this year.ÃϿ̤ÏÅż§µ¤³Ø¤ò±þÍѤ¹¤ì¤ÐͽÃΤǤ¤ë-¥Ë¥å¡¼¥È¥óÎϳؤ˸Ǽ¹¤·¤Æ¤ÏÉÔ²Äǽ¡Ê¥Þ¥¤¥³¥ß¥¸¥ã¡¼¥Ê¥ë¡Ë 2011ǯ3·î11Æü¤ËȯÀ¸¤·¤¿ÅìËÌÃÏÊýÂÀÊ¿ÍβÃÏ¿Ì(ÅìÆüËÜÂç¿ÌºÒ)¤Ç¤Ï¡¢3·î5Æü¤È6Æü¤ËÂ礤ÊÅÅÇȤΰ۾ï¤ò¸¡½Ð¤·¤¿¡£¤³¤³¤Ç¤Ï¡¢Êƹñ¥ï¥·¥ó¥È¥ó½£¤ËÀßÃÖ¤·¤¿Á÷¿®µ¡¤«¤é¤ÎÅÅÇÈ(24.8kHz)¤òÅìµþÅÔÄ´ÉÛ»Ô¤ÎÅÅÄÌÂç¤È¡¢°¦Ãθ©¤Î½ÕÆü°æ»Ô¡¢»Í¹ñ¤Î¹âÃλԤǡ¢ÌÀÎƤʰ۾ï¤È¤·¤Æ¼õ¿®¤·¤¿¡£Ìë´Ö¤ÎÊ¿¶Ñ¿¶Éý¤È¡¢¤½¤ÎÍɤ餮¡¢Î¾¼Ô¤Î¹çÀ®¥Ç¡¼¥¿¤ò´Ñ¬¤¹¤ë¤È¡¢Ä´ÉۤǤϿ¶Éý¤Îɸ½àÊк¹¤¬¶ËÅ٤˸º¾¯¤·¤Æ¤ª¤ê(¿Þ3)¡¢1·î1Æü¤«¤é¤Î¥Ç¡¼¥¿¤Ë¤Ï¸«¤é¤ì¤Ê¤«¤Ã¤¿¤Û¤É¤ÎÂ礤µ¤À¤Ã¤¿¡£¤³¤ÎÂ礤µ¤ÏM6°Ê¾å¤Î·ÙÊ󥯥饹¤À¤È¤¤¤¦¡£¤·¤«¤â¤½¤ÎÅٹ礤¤Ï¡¢Ä´ÉÛ¡¢½ÕÆü°æ¡¢¹âÃΤÈÎ¥¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤¯¤Ë¤Ä¤ì¾¯¤Ê¤¯¤Ê¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤ë¡£¿·¤¿¤Ê±§Ã褫¤é¤ÎÃϵå´Ñ¬¤ò¹Í¤¨¤ë¥ï¡¼¥¯¥·¥ç¥Ã¥× (JAXA) Êó¹ð½ñ | ÅìÆüËÜÂç¿ÌºÒÂбþ¤Ç¸«¤¨¤Æ¤¤¿²ÝÂê2011ǯÅìËÌÃÏÊýÂÀÊ¿ÍβÃÏ¿Ì | ÃÏ¿Ì¡¦²Ð»³Åù¤Ëȼ¤¦ÃÏ·÷¡¦Â絤·÷¡¦ÅÅÎ¥·÷Åż§¸½¾Ý | Seismo-Electromagnetics (JpGU)
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Local perturbations of the Earth¡Çs radiation belt during the seismic event development in Japan on March 11, 2011 (Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, Vol. 38, No. 7) The strong seismic event in Japan, begun on March 11, 2011 by the earthquake with a magnitude of 9, was accompanied by extraordinarily high aftershock activity with a number of earthquakes (with magnitudes M > 4) to 140 a day. Thus, in this case, the previously used analysis method [8] based on separation of two genetically related events (particle burst and earthquake) and designed for relatively rare events (less than ten a day) cannot be used. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the region geomagnetically coupled with the seismically active region in Japan, at 03:42:27 UT, a particle burst (at the level of 3.2 standard deviations) was detected, which could probably be a precursor of the rst main earthquake (M = 9) occurred at 05:46:23 UT.Ê¿À®23 ǯ(2011 ǯ)ÅìËÌÃÏÊýÂÀÊ¿ÍβÃÏ¿Ì(ÅìÆüËÜÂç¿ÌºÒ)¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ¡Ê¶ÛµÞºÒ³²ÂкöËÜÉô¡Ë ¡¦£³·î£±£²Æü ¡ÊÆȡ˱§Ãè¹Ò¶õ¸¦µæ³«È¯µ¡¹½¤Ï¡¢Î¦°è´Ñ¬µ»½Ñ±ÒÀ±¡Ö¤À¤¤¤Á¡×¤Ë¤è¤êÈïºÒÃÏ°è¤ò»£Áü¤·¡¢²èÁü¤ò´Ø·¸µ¡´Ø¤ËÄ󶡡£¡Ê3 ·î12¡ÁËèÆüÄ󶡡Ë
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Insights from the great 2011 Japan earthquake (Physics Today) Although reports of possible precursory phenomena exist - for instance, IR heating of the atmosphere above the source region several days before the event and anomalous total-electron readings of the ionosphere preceding the earthquake - no clear deformational precursor has emerged from analyses of the geodetic and seismic data sets.Âè130²ó SGEPSSÁí²ñ¤ª¤è¤Ó¹Ö±é²ñ¡§ÆÃÊÌ¥»¥Ã¥·¥ç¥ó¡ÖÅÅÎ¥·÷ÊÑÆ°¤ÈÃϿ̤δط¸¡×
AGU Fall Meeting 2011 G34A : Bowie Lecture from American Geophysical Union on Vimeo.
G51A-0873 Ionospheric anomalies observed over South Korea before Tohoku earthquake
NH21E-01 Utilizing new methodologies to study major earthquakes: Multi-parameter observation of pre-earthquake signals from ground and space
NH21E-02 Identifying seismic electirc signals upon significant periodic data loss. The case of Japan
NH21E-03 Monitoring of Earthquake Disasters by Satellite Radio Tomography
NH22A-08 Ionospheric anomalies possibly associated with M > 6.0 earthquakes in the Japan area during 1998-2010 and the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake (Mw9.0)
NH23A-1544 Observation signals of Earth's magnetic field: The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake of M 9.0, Japan
NH23A-1545 Unusual behaviors of geomagnetic fields prior to the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw9.0)
NH23A-1546 Tomographic approach to investigate the ionospheric disturbance possibly associated with the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
NH23A-1547 Thermal Infrared Satellite survey at the time of M9 Tohoku earthquake/tsunami (Japan, March 11, 2011)
NH23A-1550 VLF subionospheric disturbances associated with earthquakes: Observations and numerical modeling
NH51A-1693 On the reported ionospheric precursors of the 1999 Hector Mine, CA earthquake and the 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake
U53D-0109 Precursory TEC enhancement immediately before the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
U53D-0107 How the Ionosphere Shows the Seismic Fault Slip. The Tohoku-oki Earthquake
Will Japan¡Çs big quake in 2011 lead to more earthquake predictability? (EarthSky) EarthSky originally reported on this story in May 2011, and we are re-posting some of that information today in light of the 2012 anniversary of the earthquake. Since May 2011, Dimitri Ouzounov and colleagues have published their scientific findings in full on December 10, 2011 in the journal Earthquake Science. The abstract for the paper can be viewed here.* Earthquake Science, Volume 24, Number 6 / December 2011
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