Cyclone-3 Launch Vehicle with Sich-1M Earth Remote Sensing Satellite and KS5MF2 microsatellite on board was launched from Plesetsk 1st State Test Space Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense with participation of experts of Ukrainian space industry at 13:20 Kiev time on 24 December.
* Pulinets, S A ( , Insitute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation, RAS, IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Mos 142190 Russian Federation
Boyarchuk, K A ( , Insitute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation, RAS, IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Mos 142190 Russian Federation
The beginning of the 21th century was marked by important transition - from discussions on the physical reality of the ionospheric precursors of earthquakes to the practical realization of the dedicated space projects for registration of these precursors from space. Up to now there are 3 space vehicles launched: COMPASS-1, Russia (December 2001), Quakesat, USA (June 2003), and DEMETER, France (June 2004). It was demonstrated that for the real-time monitoring of the short-term precursors in the ionosphere, it is not enough one satellite. That's why the Vulkan project was proposed - the constellation of small satellites on two altitude levels ~ 500 km, and ~ 1000 km. To check some ideas and technological developments the pre-system pilot project COMPASS-2 will be launched in the first half of 2005. the paper presents the physical background of the created satellite constellation, payload selection as a result of analysis of the previous satellite missions connected with the precursors registration, satellite orbit configuration, and the problems of the data assimilation, processing and interpretation.
The new generation of Signal Analyzer and Sampler equipment developed by the group (SAS-2 and -3) will be launched soon on KOMPASS-2 satellite and set up on ISS inside OBSTANOVKA experiment. KOMPASS-2 is inpreflight calibration phase, while OBSTANOVKA should reach this phase in mid-2005.
At the end of the year launch preparations of the Tsiklon-3 launch vehicle will be completed on Plesetsk. Tsiklon-3 is to insert into orbit SICh-1M spacecraft on December 28, 2004.
10月29日:“発光”目撃の証言 長岡から震央方向「直後に揺れ」(静岡)
Figure 3:
Data recorded on September 13, 2004 between 13 :58 :10 and 14 :00 :10 UT.
The first panel shows an ELF spectrogram of an electric sensor.
The three following panels are devoted to the Langmuir probe data (the
electron density, the electron temperature, and the ion density,
The last panel gives information concerning the earthquakes found by the
satellite along its orbit.
The more interesting event is indicated by a red full triangle. It
to a M6 earthquake which will occur on September 15, 2004 at 19 :10 :50 UT
(lat : 14.25, long : 120.42).
9月17日:「1週前に強い電磁波」 中部大教授(共同)
A total of 38 earthquake researchers from U.S., Japan, Russia, New Zealand, and other countries are joining their Taiwanese counterparts at the conference. The latest results and borehole samples from deep drills more than one kilometer deep into the Chelungpu fault are being presented at the conference as well as a new "iSTEP" program on studies of seismic precursor conditions and electromagnetic anomaly phenomena for possible models to forecast the onset of large earthquakes.
現在担当する主要科学研究課題:国家十五重大科学工程の子項目“拉薩市活断層地震危険度測定評価”(2004-2007)、863計画“中国地震衛星計画予備研究”(2003-2005)、 国際協力重大項目“地震危険度評価地震予報新方法研究”(中露協力2004-2006)、中仏先端研究計画“DEMETER衛星による地震電磁情報研究”(2004-2006)等。
9月5~9日:MEEMSV-2004 Magnetic, Electric and Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology and Volcanology
9月1日:“怪しい”研究は面白い 火の玉とアンダーソン局在(電子情報通信学会)
a number have a signature that we might expected to see related to earthquake, wide band frequency and wide time span (ie not impulsive).
Signals of this or similar type were seen immediately following the August 21 2003, 7.2M South Island NZ quake, the December 22, 2003 6.5M San Simeon CA quake, and the December 1, 2003 6.0M Kazakhstan-Xinjiang Border Region earthquake.
The QuakeSat noise floor was higher than expected, and the dawn dusk nature of our orbit has us flying over our targets while the ionosphere is in a turbulent transition period
In addition, efforts are underway for the preliminary design of Quakesat 2, Launch is still TBD, but likely in early 2006.
Liu Jann-yenq (劉正彦), director of the National Central University's Institute of Space Science, has for years examined pre-tremor ionospheric phenomena.
After analyzing data of more than 300 earthquakes in Taiwan between 1994 and last year with magnitudes greater than 5, Liu found that for 70 percent of the quakes, ionospheric electron density fell sharply to around 65 percent of the normal level some time in the five days before the temblor.
Liu said that if the magnitude was 6 or higher, around 80 percent of sampled quakes had the same effect.
"We're only trying to find precursors to earthquakes. It doesn't mean we've already established a theory for a mechanism of earthquake prediction," Liu said.
However, he said, the drop in ionospheric electron density did not correlate entirely with the occurrence of earthquakes because other causes of change in electron density are known to exist.
Five scientists gave invited presentations in this session. S. Uyeda showed an objective evaluation of a Japanese-proposed approach to earthquake prediction based on the observation of electromagnetic wave propagation.
7月1日:Thanks BBC Persian (Earthquake Clouds and Short Term Prediction)
MOSCOW. June 29 (Interfax) - A Dnepr rocket carrier, which took off from a Baikonur launching pad at 10:30 a.m. Moscow time on Tuesday, has put eight foreign satellites into their designated orbits, a Russian Space Troops spokesman told Interfax.
The satellites separated from the rocket carrier's third stage between 10:45:15 a.m. and 10:45:31 a.m., the spokesman said.
"Once they separated, all the satellites were handed over to the customers for operation," he said.
The satellites include France's 125-kilogram Demeter satellite designed for scientific research, Saudi Arabia's 12-kilogram SaudiComsat-1 and SaudiComsat-2 commercial satellites and 35-kilogram SaudiSat-2 satellite, U.S. LatinSat-S and LatinSat-D communications satellites weighing 15 kilograms each, an AMSat-Echo satellite weighing 12 kilograms, as well as Italy's 12-kilogram UniSat-3 scientific satellite.
The launch is scheduled for 8:34 a.m. Moscow time on June 29. "Units of the spaceport's 8th Experimental Department have positioned the rocket, and operators have taken their seats at the command post waiting for the remote-control launch," a Baikonur representative told Interfax.
(1) Seismology in the Atmosphere 金森博雄 教授(カリフォルニア工科大学教授)
(2) The electromagnetic soundings on Bishkek test site Dr. Vitaly Dmitrievich Bragin (Scientific Station OIVTRAN, International Research Center Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek)
To the question about whether there was a transfer of technology between China and other countries, Mr. Hu answered that during the first half of 2004, cooperation with European countries resulted in the launch of a satellite to explore Earth, and that a second satellite would be launched in the other half of the year. Mr. Camacho added that disaster management was an important part of international cooperation. He said that it involved three types of technology: observation from satellites, earthquake detection and satellite navigation systems (GPS).
地震の電離層における前兆現象 Ionospheric Precursors of Earthquakes Pulinets, Sergey., University of Mexico, Codigo, Mexico; Boyarchuk, Kirill., IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russia
2004年7月出版予定 289頁 182図(カラー 3図)ハードカバー EUR99.95 ISBN 3-540-20839-9
1) Fracturing in granite via research by fractographic techniques
2) Electromagnetic radiation included in high frequencies(MHz) by fracture
NASDAは地震リモートセンシングフロンティア研究を実施し、2つのグループから構成された。それは人工衛星等の開口合成アンテナ(SAR)による地震 (および火山噴火)に伴う地殻変動モニターを担当するグループと私がリーダーの地震電磁気グループとから構成された。地震電磁気研究は以前から行われていたが、科技庁の実施により著しい変化を遂げたといえる。
日本のフロンティア研究に刺激され、研究活動は目覚しい発展を遂げた。多くの国際共同研究も展開され、6月に仏国の地震電磁気専門衛星“DEMETER”が打ち上げられる。私はこの衛星計画にPI(Principal Investigator)として参加している。
2月27日:Earthquakes and Animals - From Folk Legends to Electromagnetic Seismology (USGS)
In the February issue of Physics World Seiya Uyeda and Haruo Tanaka in the Earthquake Prediction Research Center at Tokai University in Japan describe this work in more detail.
Keilis-Borok's team now predicts an earthquake of at least magnitude 6.4 by Sept. 5, 2004, in a region that includes the southeastern portion of the Mojave Desert, and an area south of it.