'Sich' is a name of old historic site where Ukrainian samurai had their headquarters;
other old meaning of this word is "battle". (Special thanks to Dr. Valery Korepanov)
→2006年4月18日にお星さまになりました。(-人-) Reentry Prediction:SICH-1MWhere is She Now?
Space Research Institute was established in 1996 at the National Space Agency of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for organisation of scientific space researches in the country, conducting and co-ordination of scientific and engineering activities in the area of peaceful exploration and use of outer space.The detection of electromagnetic processes in the ionosphere caused by seismic activity (UNAM, 1997)
The Institute's main projects includes:use of earth remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) for informational support of environmental control; monitoring, estimation, and forecasting of underwater petrochemical pollution in Ukraine; Interball project on exploration of solar-earth relations; Variant project on measurement of electromagnetic field and electric current flows in ionosphere; Poperejennia (Warning) project: satellite complex for exploration of ionosphere phenomena related to seismic activity; planning and controlling system for science and engineering experimentation aboard the Ukrainian explorer unit of the International Space Station.
None of the satellites was designed for the investigation of processes in the ionosphere caused by seismic activity. The results that have been obtained in this field are fortuitous. The Ukrainian space project "Warning" whose scientific leader unt il 1995 was one of us (N. Y. K.) will be devoted to these investigations, and specifically the electromagnetic processes in the ionosphere caused by seismic activity (Kotsarenko et al., 1995). This project is in charge of the Kiev National University (Dep artment of Astronomy and Space Physics) and Pivdenne (Yuzhnoe) Design Bureau (Dnepropetrowsk). The participating countries are Russia, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, France, Germany, and Ukraine.Ukraine's Space Program (Moscow Defense Brief #4, 2001)
In the 1990s Ukraine launched its own original scientific project to study fundamental processes in the ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth with the purpose of discovering forerunners ofnatural disasters, including earthquakes of great magnitude. The project was called Poperedzhen-nya. Scientists from several Ukrainian institutes and their colleagues from Russia, the United States, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic intended to conduct detailed measurements of parameters of ionospheric plasma from a spacecraft and simultaneously collect ground observation data, primarily seismic. It this way they hoped to develop a comprehensive idea on the interconnection between seismic and ionospheric processes. However, the project has been suspended in the absence of money.* 関連:Warningミッション:現状と開発 | 電離層での電磁放射の実験的研究 | 斜め磁場での岩石圏から電離層までのEMW伝搬 (IWSE, 1997)
The decision to conduct an experiment "Variant" on board the satellite remote sensing Sich-1M was taken NTS NSAU September 18, 1997. By the time the payload of the Sich-1M has already been staffed, and it was expected that the launch will take place soon. Nevertheless, V.E. Korepanov convinced management NSAU the appropriateness of the installation on the satellite "of another very small device" - a wave probe WZ. In the future, as the launch of the Sich-1M was delayed in its payload added more and more devices are very small, and, eventually, KNAW grew up in a solid measuring system. (The words in quotation marks - an ironic presentation of the history of the "Option" VS Gladilin, who oversaw the drafting of the "SE Yuzhnoye"). Before starting the Sich-1M was modernized radio link data transmission to Earth, thus adding to the modern KNAW SSNI. The project participants were 7 organizations from 5 countries.
Figure 2.1. The overall layout of the Sich-1M and location of sensors KNAW.
VARIANT is a joint international space experiment on current density measurements in ionospheric-magnetospheric plasmas. The experiment will be performed onboard the Ukrainian remote sensing satellite SICH-1M, that will be launched in 2000 at the polar circular orbit with the inclination of around 83° and altitude 670±30 km. The scientific payload includes three instruments for registration of space current density: a split Langmuir probe, a Rogovski coil and a Faraday cup. The first two of these instruments are dedicated to measure current density variations and the last the particles' fluxes. The equipment also includes sensors for measurements of the electric and magnetic field fluctuations in the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 40 kHz. Main objectives of the VARIANT mission are as follows:* The Variant Mission (University of Sheffield Space Systems Team)
direct comparison of the spectral characteristics of the electric and magnetic fields with the characteristics of the field aligned currents in the polar regions; mapping of the field aligned current distribution;
comparative study of the field aligned current structures with the characteristics of the ionospheric convection observed by the system of radars SuperDARN;
comparative study of technological problems associated with different techniques of current density measurements;
and the secondary objectives are:
active experiments with the onboard radar;
registration of the signatures of the seismo-active and volcanic phenomena; investigation of the man-made impact upon the ionosphere (anthropogenic hazards, pollution, etc).
According to a SPACE INFORM report, ROSAVIAKOSMOS senior execs confirmed the Russian party's interest to the SICH-1M project during a meeting with Ukrainian National Space Agency counterparts in Kyiv.
The SICH-1M project is a further step in perfecting the spacecraft SICH-1M, which was successfully launched in 1995. The SICH-1M is supposed to be launched from Russia's Plesetsk space range in October 2003 by a Cylcone-3 booster. The SICH-1M satellite will be equipped with optical, infrared and VHF devices to continuously monitor our planet's surfaces. Their resolution capacity will be about 20 m to 30 m, which will greatly increase accuracy of information. The satellite's data are supposed to be used in agriculture, geology, climatology, for management of forestries, by fishermen, for appraising the condition of agricultural crops, soil moisture content, etc.
The design office Southern and the Southern Engineering Works are the satelite's designer and manufacturer. As the SICH-1M is supposed to be compatible with other satellites' radio communication channels, it will likely be used within the framework of the CEOS system.
As National Space Agency sources told Ukrinform, the launch of the Sich-1M satellite, together with the MiktroSputnik from the Baikonur Space Center has been slated for December 2003. The Sich-1M is supposed to be placed on a solar synchronous orbit.4月21日:"ATK-Media" The Russian-Ukrainian satellite Sich-1M will be launched from Plesetsk Cosmodrome. (TsENKI)
The launch is an element of the Russo-Ukrainian Space Cooperation Program for 2003-2004, which was endorsed as a result of the two national space agencies' deliberations in Moscow. This program is based on the two nations' space programs, both embracing the 2003-2007 period. The Sich-1M project is viewed as a major element of the two nations' space cooperation.
The Moscow deliberations also dealt with Ukrainian-Russian joint projects, such as the Sea Launch and the Dnepr. With a view of implementing the Spectrum-R ("RadioAstron") project, the attendants decided to instruct their relevant industrial manufacturers to design and make necessary land-based aerials.
The two national space agencies also signed a memorandum on cooperation in promoting global navigational satellite systems. They discussed the draft Regulations on implementing long-term joint Russo-Ukrainian space exploration-related projects, technological experiments on the Russian segment of the International Space Station.
Ukraine and Russia prepare by this December the start of the satellite Sich-1M, intended for Earth research. This information was given in Kiev by Edward Kuznetsov, the Deputy Director General of Ukrainian National Space Agency. The satellite Sich-1M is scheduled to launch by "Tsiklon-3" rocket from Russian Cosmodrome in Plesetsk. The agency Interfax-Ukraine reports that the joint project on development and exploitation of the spacecraft Sich-1M is program of high priority in cooperation between Russia and Ukraine in space exploration.6月2~3日:European Space Policy consultation: International Co-operation, organised by the EC/ESA Joint Task Force (European Space Policy)
The Sich-1M will be instrumented to monitor the Earth from orbit in visible, infrared and UHF ranges. This technique greatly extends ability for monitoring at the condition of nebulosity and at night. The spacecraft will be equipped by instruments to scientific research of the Earth, oceans, geological studies, meteorology, ecology etc. The information transmitted from the satellite will be used for national economy of Ukraine and Russia
In addition the satellite Sich-1M will be equipped with radio channel, compatible in frequency with standard channels of European spacecrafts. So it is the base for future international cooperation and promotion of data, receipted from the spacecraft Sich-1M, to the international market in the frame of CEOS activity. Sich-1M is an advanced modification of the spacecraft Sich-1, launched in 1995.
The Ukrainian Space Programme and Opportunities for a Co-operation with Europe [pdf]12月3日:UKRINFORM: NEWS FROM UKRAINE
Mr. Eduard Kuznetsov, Deputy Director General of the National Space Agency of Ukraine
MOSCOW, RUSSIA, December 2 /Ukrinform/. According to Georgi Chernyavsky, general director of the Russian Science Academy's Center for space observations, the launch of the Ukrainian-Russian satellite SICH-1M, which s meant for monitoring our planet from space, has been postponed to mid-2004. The satellite is undergoing tests before being launched from the Plesetsk Space Range with a Cyclone-3 booster.
According to Georgi Chernyavsky, the SICH-1M is equipped with devices to monitor the planet's surface in the optical, infrared and UHF bands, which will secure high quality photos of the earth, irrespective of dense clouds or night hours' darkness.
The satellite will be helpful in appraising the icing condition for ships in the Arctic zone and in detecting most promising areas for netting fish. The satellite will also be very helpful in making forecasts about snow melting, soil humidity levels, flooding, and so on.
Earlier the satellite's launch was postponed, in view of longer time, necessary to thoroughly check its equipment, Georgi Chernyavsky noted.
LCISR INPUT IN GMES PROGRAM3月2日:World-Largest Remote Sensing Centre Opens in Russia (The Global Fire Monitoring Center)
Valery Korepanov, Lviv Centre of Institute of Space Research
Dranovskiy V.I., Yuzhnoye SDO
The world's largest centre for reception and processing of data of space sensing of the earth opened in Khanty-Mansiisk on Tuesday.4月28日:UKRINFORM:NEWS FROM UKRAINE ISSUE 4 (Embassy of Ukraine to the State of Israel)
"The centre of the world level has been created in Russia for the first time. It can receive and process information from all satellites for remote probing of the earth, both Russian and foreign ones," a spokesman for the Russian Aerospace Agency, Konstantin Kreidenko told Itar-Tass. The data from space will allow forecasting forest fires, slides of glaciers and other natural disasters, and managing these emergencies, he said.
Cannabis and opium poppy plantations also can be detected in any part of the world from the satellites. The data of remote probing are helpful in geology, agriculture and other economic sectors.
Kreidenko said specialists of the centre would file in a digital format the telemetric returns from space. "Information can be rapidly received through high-speed lines from satellites with a resolution of one-two meters," Kreidenko said. Two satellites will add to Russia's remote probing system this year. A Resurs-DK satellite will be launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome and Resurs-F2 from Plesetsk.
The system comprises Meteor-2M and Monitor-E satellites. The Khanty-Mansiisk centre will also receive information from Ukraine's satellite Sich-1M and the West's SPOT, Landsat and IRS," Kreidenko said.
KYIV, April 28 /Aleksandr Khorolsky - Ukrinform/. The Cabinet has approved a set of measures to test and operate the Sich-1M and Microsuputnyk Satellites, under Ukraine's international agreements on peaceable application of space technologies. The Cabinet's resolution to this effect provides establishment of a state commission in charge of launching, testing and operating the two satellites.
The other day the Federal Space Agency amended the spacecraft preparation schedule for the forthcoming 3 months (August - October) within the framework of the Russian Federal Space Program, commercial programs and programs of international cooperation. According to the schedule Russia will launch 9 launch vehicles of different types during this period. The first of the nine launches is targeted for August 5. The Proton-M LV will be launched from Baikonur and by means of the Breeze-M upper stage will insert the Amazonas telecommunication satellite into low Earth orbit. According to the information received from the FSA Central Information Station two launches out of these nine will be carried out to maintain the International Space Station: Progress-M will deliver necessary equipment, Soyuz-TMA will substitute Expedition 9 primary crew.8月23日:Ten carrier rockets to be launched in Russia in autumn (ITAR-TASS)
Read more at www.federalspace.ru/PlanQuart.asp
関連:Russia to perform 9 launches within 3 months (NewsFromRussia.Com)
MOSCOW, August 23 (Itar-Tass) - Ten launchers of carrier rockets will be made from Baikonur and Plesetsk this coming autumn, including two towards the International Space Station (ISS), spokesman for the Federal Space Agency Vyacheslav Davidenko told ITAR-TASS on Monday.10月29日:Launch schedule for Russian cosmodromes is adopted (TsENKI)
"There are plans for taking 17 spacecraft to near-Earth orbits from September through November. Soyuz, Proton, RS-20, Cosmos and Tsiklon-3 carrier rockets will be used for the purpose,Davidenko said.
A Soyuz TMA-5 will take the 10th main expedition to the International Space Station. It is scheduled to blast off from Baikonur on October 9. A Progress-M space ferry is due to be launched from Baikonur on November 24 to take a variety of life-support goods to the ISS.
The AMS telecommunication satellite is to be launched from Baikonur In September, and the AMS-12 satellite is to blast off in November. The launch of the Expressa-AM1, which is created in conjunction with the European Space Agency, is scheduled for October 28.
Six small spacecraft are to be launched as a cluster with the help of the RS-20(RN Dnieper) rocket at the end of November.
A Tsiklon-3 will be launched from Plesetsk in November to take a Russian-Ukrainian satellite, SICH-1M, to orbit.
An upgraded Soyuz-2 carrier rocket is due to blast off from Plesetsk on October 29. "This launch will mark the beginning of flight tests of a new, medium-class carrier, which will be based at Plesetsk first, and then at the Baikonur Cosmodrome and at Kourou in French Guiana, Davidenko said.
At the end of the year launch preparations of the Tsiklon-3 launch vehicle will be completed on Plesetsk. Tsiklon-3 is to insert into orbit SICh-1M spacecraft on December 28, 2004.12月22日:UKRAINIAN SATELLITE TO BE LAUNCHED FROM PLESETSK (Novosti)
MOSCOW, December 22 (RIA Novosti) - Under a cooperation program between Roskosmos (Russian Space Agency) and Ukrainian National Space Agency, Mission Control Center in the Moscow region is completing preparations for the launch of a Sich-1M satellite.12月24日:TOPOL-M BALLISTIC MISSILE TO LIFT OFF FROM PLESETSK SPACE CENTER TODAY (Novosti)
A Cyclone-3 rocket carrying the satellite is planned to be launched on Friday, December 24, at 2:20pm Moscow time from Plesetsk space center, a spokesman for Mission Control Center told RIA Novosti.
The Sich-1M was manufactured by Yangel Design Bureau Yuzhnoye (Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine) in cooperation with design and research institutions in Russia and Ukraine. The satellite will monitor the earth in infrared and microwave bands for economic purposes and be used in ionosphere and magnetosphere experiments.
At the initial stage, the launch vehicle will be controlled from Mission Control Center, and then from the National Center for Controlling and Testing Space Vehicles in Yevpatoria (autonomous republic Crimea, Ukraine).
MOSCOW, DECEMBER 24, (RIA Novosti) - Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, as well as Economic Development and Trade Minister German Gref, are to observe the launch of the fifth-generation Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) at the Plesetsk space center in the Arkhangelsk region (northern European Russia) December 24. Ukraine's Sich-1M satellite is to lift off atop a Cyclone-3 launch vehicle from Plesetsk today, as well.12月24日:Press release on launch of Cyclone-3 Launch Vehicle with Sich-1M spacecraft and KS5MF2 microsatellite onboard (National Space Agency of Ukraine)
Talking to RIA Novosti, people at the Russian Defense Ministry noted that the Strategic Missile Forces and the Space Forces will jointly test-fire this Topol-M ICBM from a self-propelled launcher.
The mobile Topol-M ICBM complex is unique in itself. Unlike its predecessor, i.e. the Topol ICBM, the new complex boasts a much more impressive combat potential, as well as greater serviceability. Plans are in place to deploy silo-based and mobile Topol-M ICBMs.
These objectives were accomplished by adapting missile warheads to missile defense system conditions, as well as by enhancing ICBM mobility and secrecy levels. Consequently, such ICBMs cannot be detected by technical reconnaissance systems easily enough.
The Topol-M ICBM (warhead included) measures 22.7 meters long and 1.95 meters in diameter. Its lift-off mass and combat load totals 47.2 tons and 1.2 tons, respectively. This ICBM has a range of more than 10,000 km. the Topol-M's three engines enable it to fly much faster than previous missile types. Moreover, the new ICBM's several dozen auxiliary engines and guidance systems propel it along an unpredictable trajectory; enemy tracking stations will therefore have trouble detecting it.
Apart from the Topol-M, it is intended to launch Ukraine's Sich-1M satellite atop a Cyclone-3 rocket and the KS5 MF-2 tiny satellite from Plesetsk at 2.20 p.m. Moscow time.
The Sich-1M is a remote-sensing satellite for conducting optical, infrared and microwave observations of the terrestrial surface for economic purposes. This spacecraft would also be expected to conduct scientific experiments in the field of ionosphere and magnetosphere studies.
For its own part, the KS5 MF-2 tiny satellite will photograph the terrestrial surface.
The Sich-1M spacecraft consists of an airtight body which is connected with four fly-open panels featuring sensors and equipment packages. The body's opposite bottom is fitted with a gravity stabilizer, as well as a solar-battery servo-drive and current collector. Satellite equipment is installed on girders inside the airtight body, comprising a specialized complex and an auxiliary complex, too.
The Sich-1M will be orbited by a Cyclone-3 rocket, what with the mission-control center near Moscow guiding the spacecraft during the initial stage. The Yevpatoria-based national spacecraft control-and-testing center in the Crimea (an autonomous republic of Ukraine) will then take over.
Cyclone-3 Launch Vehicle with Sich-1M Earth Remote Sensing Satellite and KS5MF2 microsatellite on board was launched from Plesetsk 1st State Test Space Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense with participation of experts of Ukrainian space industry at 13:20 Kiev time on 24 December. Cyclone-3 and spacecraft were developed by Yuzhnoye Design Office and Yuzhmash Machine Building Plant.* Photos: State Committee meeting | Entrance | Verticalization of "Cyclone-3" | Control and Test Center | Blast-off! | VIPs
Cyclone-3 LV was flying according to the flight schedule. Sich-1V and KS5MF2 separated after 42 minutes from the launch time and injected into orbit. National Spacecraft Control and Test Center specifies parameters of the orbit. Sich-1M is controlled by Flight Control Center of Central Research and Development Institute for Machine Building of Russian Federation. KS5MF2 is controlled by National Spacecraft Control and Test Center of Ukraine.
Sich-1M system is designated for integrated observation of lands, seas, oceans, atmospheric phenomena in ionosphere, search for minerals and will be used for the sake of economies of Ukraine and Russian Federation.
Sich-1M with a total weight of 2223kg has equipment developed by Ukrainian and Russian specialists that allows monitoring the Earth in optical, infrared and high frequency ranges. It enlarges the possibility to observe in cloudiness conditions and at night and also a complex of scientific equipment called Variant developed in Ukraine. New satellite navigation equipment and angular light-reflectors are installed on Sich-1M to work out new technology of ballistic and navigation support.
Ukrainian small satellite was ordered by the National Space Agency of Ukraine for specific missions for the Earth remote sensing. Altitude – 670 km, weight – 66 kg. During the operation of the small satellite it is planned to work out the technology of planning of real time observations. The satellite is the Ukrainian equipment instated onboard.
For the first time for flight and design tests the System for Space Conditions Control and Analysis and the System for Space Navigation and Time Support of Ukraine will be used.
Certain elements of ground control system for Sich-1M (Kalina, Sazhen) were upgraded to improve ballistic and navigation support.
Scientific equipment of Sich-1M developed by joint effort of scientist and engineers of Great Britain, France, Russian and Ukraine, is composed by instruments for registration of electric current in space plasma, statistic research of seismic phenomena in ionosphere and their selection in the background of ionosphere disturbances of heliophysical origin.
According to the scientific application program of Sich-1M space system and for coordination with the program of experiments on DEMETER satellite launched in summer 2004 the specific scientific equipment of Variant system will be used. Variant project is the first international space experiment of conducted in broad international cooperation under scientific guidance of Ukraine (main institution – Lviv Space Research Center of NASU-NSAU).
Corresponding ground support for the experiment is prepared on the national level: center for data reception, processing and archiving Nordis-Variant is created in the Space Research Institute of NASU-NSAU, necessary equipment is installed on Ukrainian Antarctic Station “Academician Vernadskiy” and the range of Kharkiv Radioastronomical Institute of NASU.
Launch of Sich-1M and the small satellite is the significant addition to the space segment of the national system for the Earth remote sensing that every year will extend its capabilities for the national users of space information and provide participation in international programs.
MOSCOW, December 27 (RIA Novosti) - A Cyclone-3 missile carrier produced in Ukraine that was launched with two Ukrainian satellites, Sich-1M and KS5MF2, by Russia's Space Forces last Friday from the Plesetsk launch site (the Arkhangelsk region, northwestern Russia) has failed to deliver its cargo to the necessary circum-terrestrial orbits.12月27日:Press-release on Sich-1M spacecraft and Microsatellite injection into near-Earth orbit and preparation for flight tests (National Space Agency of Ukraine)
The flight proceeded as planned for 40 minutes. But the second cycle of the engine in the third stage was complete almost a minute earlier, sending the vehicles to the elliptic orbit of 280 by 645km instead of a circular orbit of 640-680km. According to Commersant, the Sich-1M will now have to burn its onboard reserve fuel to reach to the circular orbit. This will reduce its guaranteed flight term from three to one year. The other craft, the KS5MF2, which has no engines, will descend into Earth's atmosphere and burn up.
Yesterday, neither the National Space Agency of Ukraine nor the Russian Space Forces would make any official comment on the incident. According to a source in the National Space Agency of Ukraine, an investigation into the failure will be conducted at a later date. However, the incident has already undermined Ukraine's prestige as a space nation: a Cyclone 4 missile carrier is now being developed on the basis of the Cyclone-3 for space launches from the Brazil's Alcantara launch site.
The three-stage launcher Cyclone-3 (11K68) was developed in 1976 on the basis of a liquid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile R-36 (8K67). It was put on the production line in 1977-92 on the orders of the Soviet Defense Ministry and used by the country's space forces. Since 1977, 121 launches (including seven emergency launches) have been carried out from Plesetsk, orbiting 239 satellites (including eight foreign satellites).
At present time the experts of Flight Control Centers of the Central Scientific and Research Institute of Machine-building (Russia, Roskosmos) and the National Space Facilities Control and Test Center (Ukraine, NSAU) conduct the operations to bring to readiness for test operation of Sich-1M spacecraft and microsatellite. Spacecraft were injected into near-Earth orbit from Russian Plesetsk launch site by Ukrainian Cyclone 3 launch vehicle on 24th of December, 2004.
During injection Sich-1M was disturbed because of deviation of the rocket motion parameters in operational area of Cyclone-3 third stage and that caused deviation of orbit parameters and failure of spacecraft orientation in space. According to data of measurement instruments of the National Space Facilities Control and Test Center the orbit parameters are: 644 km at apogee, 285 km perigee, orbital period - 93.262 min, inclination – 82, 57 degrees.
At present time the on-board equipment of Sich-1M complex is operable. 25th of December the microsatellite was separated from Sich-1M spacecraft in normal mode at 7th turn of flight. The National Space Facilities Control and Test Center had 11 communication sessions with Sich-1M spacecraft.
The experts of Yuzhnoye SDO together with Flight Control Centers of the Central Scientific and Research Institute of Machine-building and the National Space Facilities Control and Test Center analyze obtained telemetric data and develop measures for stabilization of Sich-1M and Microsatellite in space.
One month of orbital flight of Sich-1M Earth remote sensing satellite passed. As reported by NSAU, specialists of space industry under guidance of the state commission fulfilled activities on preparation of spacecraft to the standard operation. Sich-1M Earth remote sensing satellite was launched on 24th December 2004 from Plesetsk launch center by Cyclone-3 Launch Vehicle.3月7日:Russia Developing New Space Radars (Spacedaily)
Spacecraft was injected to elliptical orbit with the following parameters: apogee 644 km, perigee 285 km, orbital period 93.262 minutes, orbital inclination 82.57 degrees. Sich-1M is operated by National Spacecraft Control and Test Center of the National Space Agency of Ukraine.
On 27 January 2005 in the framework of flight and design tests the onboard specific system equipment of Sich-1M fulfilled the first sensing of the Earth surface and ground information complex station received and processed these images of the area. Sich System for Earth monitoring from space with multi-function Sich-1M being a part of it is designed for complex observation of the Earth surface from space for exploration of terrain, sea, ocean, atmospheric phenomena in ionosphere and search for minerals.
Launch of Sich-1M allows fulfilling the following missions:
- operation of Sich-1M for scientific and economical missions on exploration of near Earth space and Earth surface;
- working out of new technologies for development of new generation spacecraft;
- international experiments using scientific equipment of Variant system;
- state testing and putting into operation the ground control system, ground informational complex, system for control and analysis of space situation, system for space navigation support of Ukraine.
At the moment Sich-1M equipment switching-on and testing have been fulfilled, namely, the international Variant experiment on measurement of distribution of electromagnetic fields currencies in the Earth ionosphere plasma started. International experiment on Variant program (with participation of scientists from Ukraine, Russia, France and Great Britain) is intended for satellite and ground monitoring of ionosphere, search for ionosphere informational signs of abnormal phenomena forecast in ionosphere and lithosphere caused by seismic and volcanic activity of the Earth. For this purpose the corresponding ground support for the experiment has been provided on the national level: Center for Data Receipt, Processing and Storage in the Space Research Institute of NASU-NSAU (Kyiv) has been established, necessary equipment is installed on Ukrainian Antarctic Station “Academician Vernadskiy” and the range of Kharkiv Radioastronomical Institute of NASU. In the future the French satellite DEMETER launched by Dnepr Launch Vehicle in the summer last year is planned to participate in the experiment. On 2nd February 2005 the meeting of technical leaders with the chair of the state commission was held and indicated the program of spacecraft activities for the February. The program foresees:
- beginning of full-scale fulfillment of the international scientific project Variant;
- test of onboard informational system equipment;
- switch on of satellite navigation equipment;
- test of radio and information channels work.
Launch and operation of Sich-1M satellite is the significant addition to the National system for the Earth remote sensing that every year will extend its capabilities for the national users of space information and provide participation in international programs.
Experiment VARIANT onboard Ukrainian satellite SICH-1M – first results9月21日:KA "Sich-1M" has stopped work Sep 21 2005 (NTS OMZ)
Ukrainian satellite "Sich-1M" was the joint project of Ukraine and Russia. KA ≪Sich-1M≫ has been created as the multi-purpose device intended for supervision of a surface of the Earth from space in interests of economic activities and carrying out of research experiments on research of an ionosphere and magnitosfery.
KA ≪Sich-1M≫ has been put into an orbit on December, 24th, 2004 from the cosmodrome Plesetsk. However, at conclusion KA to an orbit the third missile stage has worked neshtatno. With KA ≪Sich-1M≫ in NTS OMZ it was accepted four sessions of dump of the information of scientific equipment "Variant" and "ASN" and one session of dump of information RLSBO.
Under the decision of State commission from August, 8th 2005a., in connection with that KA ≪Sich-1M≫ has been deduced into not settlement orbit and performance of pre-production operation and scientifically-applied programs it is impossible, its work is stopped.
The Kharkiv-based insurance company Lemma has paid 6.038 M. UAH (1.2 M. USD) to the National Space Agency of Ukraine to cover the latter's policy after a Cyclone-3 booster failed to place the Sich-1M satellite on the predetermined orbit.* Development of satellites for the remote sensing of the Earth (National Space Agency of Ukraine)
According to Yelena Privalova, Lemma public relations chief, the launch was insured by over 25 insurers, including Ukrainian companies (Avante, Avionika, Busin, Garant-Re, Inkomstrakh, Inspol, Providna, Universalna, Energopolis, Etalon, UTICO), several Russian insurers and the Latvian company Riga Re.
A sizeable portion of the risks, Ms Privalova noted, was placed on the international insurance market through the United States Aviation Insurance Group.
The Sich-1M failure occurred at the Plesetsk (Russia) space center in December 2004.
Ukraine is planning to launch a Sich-2 Earth remote sensing satellite into orbit in 2008, the National Space Agency said on its web site.7月19日:Ukraine To Launch Earth Observation Satellite In 2008 (Spacedaily)
The development of a "Sich"-based Earth observation system and a crisis-proof space monitoring system is part of The National Space Program of Ukraine for 2007-2011, the agency said.
6月15日:Experiment VARIANT – first results from Wave Probe instrument (Advances in Space Research, Volume 43, Issue 12)
Christiaan Huygens Medal 2009: Valery Korepanov
The 2009 Christiaan Huygens Medal is awarded to Valery Korepanov for his significant achievements in the development of sensors and instrumentation for electrical and magnetic instruments for investigations of the Earth and the solar system.
The international experiment VARIANT was carried out onboard Ukrainian remote sensing satellite SICH-1M launched 2004, December 24. In spite of other than planned satellite orbit and onboard systems failure about 11 telemetric files from VARIANT payload were obtained. Due to episodic and random payload switching the main goal of VARIANT experiment - study of field aligned currents and monitoring of electromagnetic state of the ionosphere – was not possible to realize. However the data analysis from VARIANT instrumentation allowed us to obtain for the first time a reliable confirmation of proper operation in ionospheric plasma of a new device developed for wave activity study – Wave Probe, which consists of compact combination of Split Langmuir Probe working at floating potential and search-coil magnetic field sensor. Such a probe can simultaneously measure variations of one component of spatial current density and a perpendicular component of magnetic field with a spectral sensitivity threshold up to 0.1 pA/(cm2 Hz1/2) and 0.03 pT/Hz1/2, respectively.
Space experiment "Variant" on board SICH-1M | Satellite research projects near space (IKD)
Сич-1М|Sich-1M spacecraft / microsatellite launch|Sich-1M Press Kit
Project "Sich"|Sich-1M (National Space Agency of Ukraine)
Project "Variant" Onboard "Sich-1M" Satellite (Lviv Centre of Institute of Space Research)
Sich-1M|Сiч-1M (Yuzhnoye)
The Variant Mission (The University of Sheffield)
Sich 1M (Gunter's Space Page)
Sich-1M Spacecraft|Сiч-1M (Remote sensing of the Earth in the National Space Program of Ukraine)
Space vehicle "Sich-1M"|КА "Снч-1M" (UA Trade Intermediary)
Spaceborne Monitoring System for Multipoint Measurements of Ionosphere Parameters Necessary for Solving the Tasks of Earthquakes Prediction and Space Weather|和文(Yuzhnoyeの提案する衛星構想)
"Analysis-forecast" - the design of the space system, intended for the warning about the earthquakes by development and registering the preceding earthquakes natural phenomena in the neighbor outer space. The theoretical prerequisites of the predictability of earthquakes 2-3 days prior to their beginning were for the first time revealed by scientists during the flight of automatic spacecraft "Interkosmos-19".Source: КБ «Южное» им. М.К. Янгеля: Космическая деятельность в интересах человечества (Space-Inform, 23.05.2006)
SICH, SICH-1M (Mike Rupprecht) Cool!!
* 衛星の信号音が聞けます。ここにはQuakesatテレメのデコーダーまであったりするマニアっぷり!
Russian strategic nuclear forces
Russian scientific/research and environmental-observing satellites (Un-manned Satellite Philately) Cool!
Tselina electronic intelligence spacecraft (Russianspaceweb)
Ukrainian Sich-1 Spacecraft Model (HighTechScience.org) I want it all
Sich-1 Papercraft!? (ZenHome.it) maybe helpful for outreach, presentation and negotiation
Zaporizka Sich (Welcome to Dnipropetrovsk!) T-72試乗ツアーもあるらしいが…
Sich Beer
Ukrainian Program of Earth Observation 2005|National Space Agency of Ukraine
Ukrainian Space Activities and Industries (NPO InterCoS)