
1999/6/29(火)10:50~11:35 第21回宇宙ステーション利用計画ワークショップ
Dr. Vladimir F. Utkin, Director of TSNIIMASH, RSA (Russia Space Agency)

Only from space can we predict earthquakes in the most precise way










(質問)SURC 山中)




Source: ロシアの宇宙ステーション利用計画について(NASDA国際宇宙環境利用研究データベース)



Q. 博士は、初日の講演で「火星より、地震予知を」と、話しておられましたが?

A. 世界各地では、震災によって実に多くの人命を失っています。そのことを考えれば、地震予知を実現することは科学者の責任です。私は「市民は相当にガマン強い」と、考えています。しかし、科学者や研究者に要求しなくてはなりません。「早急に、地震予知を実現しろ」と。

Q. 本誌の創刊号では、「地震予知はできる」というタイトルで、ロシアの地震予知システムを特集で紹介しました。

A. これは、本誌の創刊号のインタビューで、15年前に打ち上げられたコスモスシリーズのオケアン衛星の話をしました。

Q. マイクロサテライトを配置するというのは、ロシア独自の考え方なのでしょうか。

A. 宇宙ステーション「ミール」が、一軒家だとすれば、ISSはいわばマンションです。マンションは、多くの家族の集合体です。

Q. ISSの運用では、まだ多くの問題が残されているようですが。

A. 人類が、これまで経験したことのない実験的な試みがISSです。国家間には、言語、文化、法律などの違いがありますが、それらの違いを乗り越え、協力・協調というテーマで、15ヵ国が取り組んでいます。ロシアには、42年間の宇宙開発の歴史と有人宇宙ステーションでは15年の運用実績があります。
Source: 「火星探査より地震予知を」アエロスペースクーリエ Vol. 3 p98-102


  • ソ連の地震予知研究 | 地震の時間的前兆の深究-1911~1978年に発表された論文の注釈つき文献案内-(翻訳)(浜田和郎)
    1979 年,ソ連によるアフガニスタン侵攻という事件があり,モスクワオリンピックがボイコットされるという事件があった事をご記憶されている方も多い事と思います.当時アフガニスタンに進行したソビエト軍はNATO軍の攻撃に備え,全天を防空レーダーで監視していました.そうこうしているうちに全てのレーダーに突然妨害電波が観測され出したのです.当然の事ながらソビエト軍はNATO軍の攻撃があるものと思い,あやうく核戦争一歩手前まで行ったとの事でした.そして約2日間続いた妨害電波は,隣国のイランで発生したM7.0 の地震とともに消失したのです.この事実は1990 年代に入り,ペレストロイカのもとでようやく西側研究者にもたらされました.

    Source: 地震直前予測への新しい試みと静岡住民から見た東海地震観(長尾年恭)
  • Correlation between earthquake epicenters and regions of high-energy particle precipitations from the radiation belt (Cosmic Res., Vol. 30, No. 1, 1992)
    Experimental data on the relationship between high-energy charged particle fluxes in the radiation belt and the seismicity of the Earth are analyzed on the basis of interaction between these particles and ULF emissions of seismic orgin in the upper ionosphere. It is shown that this interaction may lead to particle precipitations from the radiation belt, which are observed experimentally as abrupt increases in particle counting rates. A spatial correlation between the regions of particle precipitations in near-Earth space and earthquake epicenters is found, which makes possible the prediction of the latitude of an incipient earthquake.
  • The Nature of High Energy Charged Particle Intensity Bursts in the Earth's Magnetosphere (23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1993)
  • Precursors of Earthquakes and the Radiation Belt (Russian Space Bulletin, 1994)
  • High energy particle flux variations as earthquake predictors (Advances in Space Research, 1995)
  • Russia. Flight of the orbital station "Mir" (Novosti Kosmonavtiki, No 10, 1995)
    GF-18 "Seismikan"
    Goal: Investigate and develop a new method of short-term forecast of earthquakes
    Equipment: Apparatus "Maria 2" (77KST), "Rowan-2" (17KS and 77KSD). "Bouquet" (77KST)
  • Earthquake Prediction: Seismo Electromagnetic Phenomena (Gokhberg M.B., Morgounov V.A. and Pokhotelov O.A.)
  • Radiation Precursors of Earthquakes (ISTC PRA-4077)

  • International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetics of NASDA(電通大)
    * プログラム | 第1回地震電磁気国際ワークショップ前刷集 | International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics (NASDA, 1997)
  • Warning From Space? (LA times, April 09, 1998)
    Galper said his idea of a space-based earthquake prediction center has not gone anywhere in part because Russia has no money for such projects. Building and launching three satellites could easily eat up much of Russia's paltry budget for its space program.
    But findings such as Galper's conceivably could help boost support in the United States for the huge investment required to launch and operate space stations.
    Galper's team is designing a more sophisticated magnetic spectrometer that he hopes will be placed aboard the 15-nation International Space Station that will be launched in segments beginning this year.
    Warning from Space
  • The Second International Meeting on WARNING Mission (National University of Kyiv)
    Warningミッション:現状と開発 (IWSE 1997)
  • Russian physics promise to forecast earthquakes (Kommersant, 1999.8.21)

  • Ionozond "catches" space weather (Novosti Kosmonavtiki, No.8 1999)
    In addition, knowledge of the characteristics of the ionosphere is necessary for a successful and high-quality radio. Ionospheric disturbances and tracked for biomedical forecasts. For example, revealed an increase in the number of heart attacks by 13% during severe ionospheric storms. But in recent years, scientists have concluded that the monitoring of "space weather" makes it possible to predict an earthquake.
  • 6.地球の電磁気観測
     ロシアは、地球の電磁気観測と研究の分野で世界をリードしている。 ロシアは、人工衛星から観測した電磁気の長期間にわたるデータベースを持っている唯一の国であり、 1988年のスピタック(アルメニア)におけるM7地震の際に世界ではじめて地震前兆(3〜4日) 電磁気異常現象を観測した記録を持つなど、その研究レベルは、日本の専門家から高く評価されている。 また、地磁気計に関しても、高精度でかつ安価なものがロシアでつくられているという。

     このようなロシアの電磁気観測のポテンシャルを活用して、これを地震予知等 に応用しようとの研究(フィジビリティ・スタディ)が、ISTC#417として、日本の拠出 (1年間で50千ドル)のもとで、1997年初頭から開始される。 この研究には、Inst. of Terrestrial Magnetism lonosphere & Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN、モスクワ地域のTroitsk、科学アカデミー傘下)、Inst. of Earth Physics (IEP、モスクワ)、Inst. of Space Research(IKI、モスクワ、科学アカデミー傘下)等 この分野でロシアを代表する研究所が参加する。 教科書にもなっている " Geo-electro Magnetic Waves " を書いた理論派Pokhotelov博士 (IEP)やスピタック地震前兆現象を発見したMolchanov博士(IZMIRAN出身)も本プロジェクトに参加する。 この他、IEPのGokhberg博士から、ISTC#720として、 " Investigation of strain-induced electromagnetic signals preceeding earthquakes " と題するプロジェクトも、目下提案中。
    Source: ロシアのユニーク技術(宇宙・地球編)(科学技術庁)


  • "Vulcan" predicts earthquake (Redstar)
    The problem of earthquake prediction is the focus of Russian scientists. Since 1990, the St. Petersburg Federal State Unitary Enterprise "KB Arsenal", "MV Frunze" together with the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (Troitsk, Moscow reg.) work is underway in this area. They developed a cosmic earthquake warning system for two days, determining the epicenter and approximate time of the disaster.
  • Russian Rocket Pioneer Dead at 76 (Space.com)
    The Russian space program and aerospace industry suffered a major loss Tuesday, February 15 with the death of one of the country's chief rocket designers, Vladimir Utkin. He died of natural causes after a lengthy illness.

    Designer Utkin V. F. (tvroscosmos)

  • V. V. Dmitrenko, Earthquake Prediction from Satellites (April 17, 2001)

  • Vladimir Fedorovich Utkin - Designer and Scientist (Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Vol. 74, No. 6, 2001)
    He repeatedly made brilliant statements on major scientific and technical problems at Russian and International forums. He demonstrated the fundamental possibility of a short-term forecast of an earthquake using space devices on the basis of observation of anomalous electromagnetic and plasma effects manifesting themselves in the near-earth space on the eve of a strong earthquake and being its short-term precursor.
    Even some offbeat experiments proved productive: the Mariya spectrometer found a means to predict earthquakes by detecting electrostatic disturbances associated with imminent movements in the Earth's tectonic plates.

    Source: Russia in space: the failed frontier?, Springer, 2001
  • 世界初の地震電磁気観測衛星:Kompass打上げ (2001.12.10)

    IAGA/IASPEI/IAVCEI Working Group on Electromagnetic Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes

  • International Workshop on Earthquake Precursors 2002
    Russian Program: The Problems of Satellite Monitoring of Earthquake Precursors and Russian Satellite Constellation “Vulkan”
    V. N. Oraevsky, K. A. Boyarchuk, S. A. Pulinets
  • 国際宇宙ステーションへのソユーズ宇宙船交換ミッション(5S)

    * 関連:LSO-B EXPERIMENT (Energia)

  • Earthquake prediction from space (Novosti-Kosmonavtiki, No.11)
    In 2001, a special committee of experts established Russian Aerospace Agency, conducted a comparative study of all the possible methods for predicting earthquakes with satellites and determine the most promising. Among them - the satellite radio sounding of the ionosphere, and the most promising device called Ionozond. (Once again, we were named the most promising device and method, but not the only ones. Issue is so complex that only a comprehensive study of all aspects of the formation of the earthquake promises hope for its accurate prediction.)


  • Main results and experience obtained on Mir space station and experiment program for Russian segment of ISS (Acta Astronautica)
    Accomplishment of these experiments has provided a new level of ionosphere and magnetosphere studies as well as solving of applied problems. In particular, magnetosphere and ionosphere perturbations caused by Earth's natural processes (Earth's crust motions and earthquakes, typhoons, etc.) were recorded to determine relations and to develop forecasting and recording technique for earthquake prediction a few hours before its occurrence. These activities should be continued.
  • High-energy charged particle bursts in the near-Earth space as earthquake precursors (Annales Geophysicae)
    The experimental data on high-energy charged particle fluxes, obtained in various near-Earth space experiments (MIR orbital station, METEOR-3, GAMMA and SAMPEX satellites) were processed and analyzed with the goal to search for particle bursts. Particle bursts have been selected in every experiment considered. It was shown that the significant part of high-energy charged particle bursts correlates with seismic activity. Moreover, the particle bursts are observed several hours before strong earthquakes; L-shells of particle bursts and corresponding earthquakes are practically the same. Some features of a seismo-magnetosphere connection model, based on the interaction of electromagnetic emission of seismic origin and radiation belt particles, were considered.

    * 関連:High-energy charged particle flux variations in vicinity of Earth as earthquake precursors (A.M. Galper)

  • テクニカルセッション-3 『宇宙飛行ミッションについての最新報告』(第18回世界宇宙飛行士会議)
    オンラインによる短期地震予報用の宇宙システムの主要な目的。最近記録された地震前兆現象の例。地球大気圏-熱圏-電離層の地震モデル。"VULCAN" S/C測定法により記録された電離層プラズマのパラメーター。協力への提案。


  • ロシア著名宇宙飛行士の来日について (JAMSS)
    ミハエル・ベリアエフ教授  Mikhail Yu. Beliaev


    RSCエネルギア ミッション計画・自動制御・実験研究にかかる部長、フライトダイレクター代理、数学モデリング及び実験管制センター長を兼務。また、ボウマン・モスクワ州立工科大学教授、モスクワ州立フォレスト大学教授。 今回宮崎で行われる国際学会ISTS(宇宙技術及び科学の国際シンポジウム)で講演を行う。彼の最近の研究は主に、地球規模の大災害を宇宙ステーションから観測し、予測すること(地震の予知など)。
    * 関連:The problem of earthquake prediction by space methods (Rocket and space technology - The ideas of K.E. Tsiolkovsky and modern development; Lectures Devoted to K.E. Tsiolkovsky's Ideas, 25th, Kaluga, Russia, Sept. 11-14, 1990,)
    * Method for Determining Earthquake Location and Time On board Spacecraft 2045086 | 2045087 (Patent of Russian Federation)

  • 立川敬二~新年にあたって~ (JAXA)
  • 地震に伴う電磁気現象のいろいろ(電気通信大学紀要17 巻1・2合併号)

  • International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics

    * Recent Progress in Seismo Electromagnetics and Related Phenomena (PCE) | 地震の電離圏への影響 ―新しい研究分野― (ISAS)
  • Russia building new Earth observation space system (Novosti)
    One of the programs to which the Resurs-DK1 will contribute is the Pamela experiment, part of the Russian-Italian Mission (RIM) - also supported by Germany, Sweden and the United States - that is looking for traces of early days of the Universe.

    Professor Arkady Galper, the Russian co-director of the project, says research will focus on the dark matter.

    "We know that dark matter, or hidden mass, accounts for 30% of the Universe. The other 70% is space vacuum energy, directed against gravity, driving the indefinite expansion of the Universe," Galper said. "The primary aims of the RIM Pamela experiment will be to get a toehold inside the mystery world called dark matter, and to measure the masses of its elementary particles, if there are any."

    The Earth observation satellite will also carry equipment for the Arina mission, an attempt to get a better insight into electromagnetic field fluctuations, so far a puzzling phenomenon believed to be a credible precursor of an earthquake.
    * 参考:Correlations between earthquakes and anomalous particle bursts from SAMPEX/PET satellite observations (Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics)


  • Scientific and Technical Subcommittee: 2006
    The Russian programme of fundamental space research for 2006 - 2015
    A. Alferov (Russian Federation)

    Use of State space meteorological constellation for forecasting of man-caused contingencies
    K. Boyarchuk and L. Makridenko (Russian Federation)

    The international seminar "Application of space methods for studying the problems of human health, potentially dangerous and catastrophic phenomena with the use of the universal micro satellite platforms"
    S. Klimov (Russian Federation)
  • Kompass-2打上げ (2006.5.26)

  • 暗黒物質の謎を追い求めて (RUVR, 02.09.2006)



    Spectrometer "Arina" before sending to Baikonur cosmodrome
    (MEPhI) | Resurs-DK1 (eoPortal)

    * Satellite experiment ARINA for studying seismic effects in the high-energy particle fluxes in the Earth's magnetosphere (Cosmic Research, Vol. 45, No. 5)
    * An anomalous positron abundance in cosmic rays with energies 1.5–100 GeV, Nature 458, 607-609 (2 April 2009)

  • 国際宇宙ステーションのクルー交代/ソユーズ宇宙船交換ミッション(13S)

    PURPOSE: Study of processes binding seismic processes and phenomena in the earth's crust, magnetosphere, ionosphere and Van Allen belt, and physical nature of seismic effects in near-earth space, as well assessment of possible prediction of earthquakes by bursts of high-energy charged particles in near-earth space.
    * 参考:Expedition 14 Press Kit (ShuttlePresskit)

  • 放射線帯内帯L~1.6 での電子強度の増加現象の起源(地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 第120回総会及び講演会)
    この解析により、L< 2.5 に位置する強力なVLF 発信源であるNWC(21.8 度S,114.2 度E、オーストラリア)、RPS(43.0 度N,135.0 度E、シベリア)、NPM(21.4 度N,158.1 度W、ハワイ)の位置と電子スパイク現象が発生する空間分布とが、よく一致していることを明らかにした。さらに、電離層の電子密度の日変化と電子スパイク現象のLT 依存およびUT 依存性によい相関があることが判った。以上、電子スパイク現象の起源は、L < 2.5 に位置するVLF 発信機からの強力な電波であることを強く示唆するものである。
    * 関連:Comment on "Comparative study on earthquake and ground based transmitter induced radiation belt electron precipitation at middle latitude", by Sideropoulos et al. (2011) (NHESS)

  • 日本国及びロシア連邦の隣接地域における地震、火山噴火及び津波の予測、警戒及び対処の分野に関する日本国政府とロシア連邦政府との間の協力プログラム(外務省)

  • International Symposium on Astronomy and Astrophysics of Extreme Universe(理化学研究所)

  • 平成19年7月理事長定例記者会見 (JAXA)
  • DEMETER satellite observations of lightning-induced electron precipitation (GRL)
    DEMETER spacecraft detects short bursts of lightning-induced electron precipitation (LEP) simultaneously with newly-injected upgoing whistlers, and sometimes also with once-reflected (from conjugate hemisphere) whistlers. For the first time causative lightning discharges are definitively geo-located for some LEP bursts aboard a satellite. The LEP bursts occur within <1 s of the causative lightning and consist of 100–300 keV electrons. First in-situ observations of large regions of enhanced background precipitation are presented. The regions are apparently produced and maintained by high rate of lightning within a localized thunderstorm.
    * DEMETER-IDP | Satellite Observations of Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation (Stanford VLF Group)

  • 地震・地殻活動に伴う電磁気現象 (JpGU)
    E117-P007 地震前兆現象としての地球放射線帯の電子強度増加
  • 第5回自己組織系物理国際シンポジウム(早稲田大学)
    M. Hareyama, N. Masuyama, N. Hasebe, S. Kodaira, K. Sakurai, M. Akiyama, K. Ichiji, K. Hama, Electron burst in the Earth’s radiation belt as earthquake precursors observed by Japanese Satellite, SERVIS-1
    * 参考:SERVIS (USEF) | 中低高度軌道における宇宙放射線環境 (JAROS)

    Nanosatellites as the Base of Monitoring System for the Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Currents.


  • EXPEDICIÓN 17: Ciencia global en la ISS (estacionespacial.com)

  • ISS On-Orbit Status 05/23/08 (NASA)
    FE-1 Kononenko set up BKS (Onboard Cable Network) connections in the SM for the new “Vsplesk” experiment. [“Vsplesk”, along with the BTN-M1 “NEUTRON” science equipment, will create a physical model of charged and neutral particles generated during solar bursts and of the neutron albedo of the Earth atmosphere considering solar and geophysical aspects.]
    * 関連:Russian cosmonauts are prepared for the experiments "Vsplesk" and "Sonokard" (ROSCOSMOS)

  • 地震の予知は宇宙から。(Novosti, 2008.5.27)

    2001年12月にシステム形成の一環で、実験衛星船「コンパス」が軌道に打上げられた。「コンパス」(COMPASS)は、「総合軌道磁気プラズマ独立小型衛星船」、Complex Orbital Magneto-Plasma Autonomous Small Satelliteの頭文字を取った略語である。衛星船の学術装置は、ロシア、ハンガリー、ギリシャ、ウクライナそしてポーランドの研究所で作られた。打ち上げの目的は地震の前兆を察知することと予知に体系的な正当性を持たせるため軌道装置を実際に宇宙に飛行させることにより評価を下すことだった。残念ながら、衛星船装置の故障でこの興味深い実験は終了することはなかった。

  • Celebrating Ten Years of the International Space Station (UNESCO, 9-10 July 2008)

    ISS as an Observing Science Platform [pdf]
  • 2008.7.15 Vspleskと呼ばれる高エネルギー粒子観測装置の設置(ISS建設のための船外活動
  • Russian Spacewalkers Outfit Station's Exterior (NASA, 07.15.08)
    After moving back to Strela, they moved a foot restraint from its boom to the exterior of Zvezda. They returned to Pirs, got an experiment called Vsplesk and moved with it to the large-diameter section of Zvezda.
    There they installed the experiment, which monitors seismic effects using high-energy particle streams in the near-Earth environment. Then they installed cabling.

  • Cosmonauts' Second Spacewalk Goes Smoothly (Space.com)

    "We have telemetry," said Russian mission control. "Vsplesk is alive."

    A cosmonaut attaches the "Burst" science experiment on the Russian Zvezda module on the International Space Station. Credit: NASA TV

    * 関連:Expedition 17: Vsplesk experiment (Spaceflight Now Plus)

  • Russian cosmonauts complete spacewalk (ITAR-TASS, 2008.7.16)
    The cosmonauts have installed instrumentation on the outer surface of the service module Zvezda (star) for the conduct of a new geophysical experiment Vsplesk (eruption) the aim of which is to work out methods for a prompt prediction of earthquakes.

    Professor Arkady Galper, science director of the experiment, has told Itar-Tass, "We have devised an instrument that can register the fluxes of medium-energy electrons and protons in the near-Earth space".

    The main task of the research is "to register changes of the fluxes that can be connected with geophysical processes evolving down here on Earth -- such as thunderstorm phenomena, seismic processes, etc". The fluxes of charged particles will be recorded by two identical devices -- the Vsplesk and ARINA (the instrument which was installed on the spacecraft Resource-DK1, launched in June 2006 -- note by Itar-Tass) -- but from different points of the near-Earth orbit. This will enhance the reliability of the experiment, during which scientists are to determine the effectiveness of registration of particle eruptions -- the precursors of earthquakes-- to work out a procedure to separate useful information from the eruptions of particles that are of a different physical nature, and learn how to determine, on the strength of the measurement results, the coordinates of the epicenter of a forthcoming Earth jolt. An error in the determination of the location of a future earthquake is supposed to be 100-200 km.

    * video:Cosmonauts installed on the module "Zvezda" equipment for predicting the earthquakes (tvroscosmos)
    * 関連:Наблюдение солнечно-магнитосферных и геофизических эффектов в потоках электронов и протонов в спутниковом эксперименте «АРИНА» (RCRC2008)

  • ヒューストンレポート (367号)(TPS/Jメール, 080723)
  • Preflight Interview: Oleg Skripochka (NASA, 08.04.10)
    That science work will—as you say, there’s a lot of it—will keep you busy; you also mentioned a couple of minutes ago that the current plan for your mission calls for spacewalks, three of them out of the Russian section of the station in the later part of this year, and you are going to be involved as a spacewalker in those. Tell me about who will be involved in the spacewalks and what work it is that you’ll be doing outside.

    According to the current plan we will perform three spacewalks. Two EVAs are scheduled for Fyodor Yurchikhin myself and the third one will be performed by Dmitri Kondratyev and me so it looks like I will be participating in all three spacewalks, so again that means additional responsibility but that makes it that much more exciting. On the surface of the Russian segment, specifically outside the Service Module, we will need to remove some of the equipment that is working now and install new units, new hardware, specifically the experimental unit to the laser data exchange with the ground; geophysics hardware—Vsplesk experiment, specifically, that allows us to study the spikes in radiation that are observed immediately before the earthquakes. We will also need to launch a mini-satellite which was developed by our students. So these are the major activities that we have.
  • Particle, Particle in Space, Tell Me About Earthquakes (Russia-IC, August 29, 2008)
    During the “Vsplesk” experiment researchers will find out how effective detection of charged particle bursts in near-Earth space environment is. Said bursts are believed to be related to various geophysical processes, taking place on our planet, including seismic events. One of the most important tasks of the experiments is distinguishing earthquake precursors from particles, having other physical nature. Russian scientists built research hardware and installed it on the ISS (“Vsplesk”) and on the “Resurs DK” space vehicle (“Arina”), launched in July 2006. Thus, particle detection is performed from different sites of near-Earth space, which makes received data more reliable and gives accurate view of the processes of interest.
  • Crew ISS-18 conducted in-orbit experiment, which will help to develop a rapid method of earthquake prediction (Novosti Kosmonavtiki, 18.11.2008)
    Crew ISS-18, which adopted the orbital watch a month ago, has contributed to the study, the results of which will help scientists develop a rapid method of earthquake prediction. According to ITAR-TASS news agency in the Mission Control Center near Moscow / PCO / "Today Russian Yuri Lonchakov conducted the geophysical experiment" Splash. "Apparatus for carrying out the experiment in mid-July, set on the outer surface of the service module" Zvezda "of his predecessors - Sergei Volkov and Oleg Kononenko, referred to the PCO.

    "We have created a device that can record the flow of electrons and protons, the average energy in the near-Earth space", - told korr.ITAR TASS scientific director of the experiment, Professor Arkady Galper. The main task of studies - to record changes in flow, which may be related to the place on Earth geophysical processes - the lightning phenomena, seismic processes ... "

    The flow of charged particles will be recorded with two identical devices - "Vsplesk" and "Arina" / mounted on the spacecraft Resurs-DK1, launched in June 2006 - approx. ITAR-TASS, but from different points of Earth orbit, which will increase the reliability of the experiment. "During one of the devices may be a local background, such as extraneous noise, which distorts the data, - explained the scientist. - Comparing the information obtained from both sets, we can provide a more accurate picture and try to develop a methodology for rapid prediction of earthquakes."

    During the experiment the scientists to determine the effectiveness of the registration of bursts of particles - of earthquakes, to develop a method for separation of useful information from the outside, that is - from bursts of particles with different physical nature, as well as learn from the results of measurements to determine the coordinates of the epicenter of the upcoming tremors with an error 100-200 km.
  • Station Spacewalkers Install Experiments (NASA, 12.23.08)
    Lonchakov and Fincke worked together to install the electromagnetic energy measuring device, called a Langmuir probe, on Pirs. Measurements of electromagnetic energy could be helpful in the investigation of its effects on pyrotechnical separation bolts on Soyuz spacecraft. The bolts are suspects in the investigation of ballistic – steeper than normal -- entries of the Expedition 15 and Expedition 16 Soyuz spacecraft.

    Lonchakov and Fincke also installed the Impulse experiment, which measures disturbances in the ionosphere around the station.


  • Observation of solar-magnetospheric and geophysical effects on the electron and proton fluxes detected by the satellite-borne ARINA instrument (Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics Vol. 73, No. 3)
    A complex analysis of the spatial and temporal distributions of the observed particle bursts and the data on solar events, global geomagnetic-activity indices, geomagnetic pulsations, and geophysical events showed that the particles fluxes could be of solar-magnetospheric, seismic, or thunderstorm origin. According to our estimates, 15-20% of the observed particle bursts are of the seismic origin (earthquake precursor).
  • A.N. Perminov, V.A. Menshikov: "The implementation of a unified social and natural strategy for space exploration" (Roscosmos, 2009.5.5)
    There are anomalous phenomena in the ionosphere, atmosphere and the Earth's surface that could potentially be considered as signs of impending earthquakes: * The patent for the invention No. 2349513
  • 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference
    Electron and proton fluxes measured by the ARINA spectrometer in the Earth magnetosphere during December 2006 solar events
  • Particle precipitation possibly associated with large earthquake (Reported by Dr. Oleksiy Dudnik)

  • ESA calls for ideas for climate change experiments from ISS (ESA, 18 September 2009)

    Vsplesk Seysmoprognoz Seismoprognoz-SM (launch - 2007): Occultation GLONASS/GPS measurements of TEC Relaxation [TsUP] Hydroxyl

    The ISS as an Earthobservation platform (Jason Hatton)


  • 31st Conference on Cosmic Rays (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    The study of local perturbations in the radiation belt of satellite experiments, "Arina" and "Vsplesk" [presentation]
  • “International Space Station: The Next Decade” (AAS National Conference)
    ISS significance in next decade: Russian view Aleksey Krasnov


  • Cosmonauts to Perform 27th Russian Space Station Spacewalk (NASA, 01.14.11)
    Next, the spacewalkers will remove a plasma pulse generator on the port side of Zvezda that was part of an experiment to investigate disturbances and changes in the ionosphere from space station impulse plasma flow. The generator failed early on and will be covered, removed and returned inside the station.

    The duo also will conduct the next Russian spacewalk, planned for Feb. 16. That spacewalk will focus on installation of two more scientific experiments on the Zvezda module. The first is called Radiometria, and is designed to collect information useful in seismic forecasts and earthquake predictions. The second is Molniya-Gamma, which will look at gamma splashes and optical radiation during terrestrial lightning and thunderstorm conditions using three sensors.

    * Microwave Radiometry Experiment (Energia) | СВЧ-радиометрия (Tsniimash)
  • 地震を感知する衛星 (RUVR, 2011.3.6)
  • No high-accuracy way to predict earthquakes – scientist (RT, 12 Mar, 2011)
    Science and research have still been unable to produce technology that can predict earthquakes with at least 90 per cent accuracy, said Yuri Urlichich, head of the Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering.

  • Modern science - popular lectures (MEPhI)
    "The Invisible Universe" (Director of the Institute of Space Physics MEPhI, Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor A. Galper) April 19, 2011 at 11:00 [Download the presentation]
  • Portents of earthquakes (RUVR, May 6, 2011)
    Russian and foreign experts will study the signs of earthquakes together. On the European part, the participants in the project are Germany, Italy and Turkey; NASA, representing the USA, and Greece are associated members. Russian science is represented by the Russian Space Systems company, the Fedorov Institute of Applied Geophysics and the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Waves Propagation.

    As early as 2006, the Russian Space Systems company built a network of ground stations to monitor the ionosphere on the island of Sakhalin. Scientists analyzed changes in this upper layer of the atmosphere caused by seismic activity. Since that time, Russian satellites have more than once registered ionospheric disturbance ahead of earthquakes. Seven hours before the first tremors in Japan, scientists discovered similar anomalies over the site of the forthcoming disaster.

    At that time Russian experts did not know what to do with this information. Scientists thought it was premature to predict underground tremors on the basis of monitoring the ionosphere alone. They believed that this was only an indicator of some occurrences in the Earth. A whole system of overall investigation of earthquake signs is needed for well-grounded scientific earthquake forecasts.

    For this reason, an International Aerospace Monitoring System is being established within a joint project with the EU. The system is supposed to have a universal character in the future, the director and chief designer of the Russian Space Systems Yuri Urlichich told “The Voice of Russia”.

    “The system will warn people of earthquakes as well as other catastrophes, such as meteorite danger, tsunami and any other threats of a natural or anthropogenic character. I can give you one impressive example: from 1900 until today, about 36 million people have died in natural cataclysms.”

    It is planned to monitor the ionosphere mostly with the use of nano-satellites which weigh less than 10kg, Yuri Urlichich explained.

    “To provide an overall coverage of the whole surface of the Earth, we propose to launch nano-satellites into orbit and to use the existing satellites as well, equipping them with the special-purpose gear. This will give us an opportunity to see a high content of free electrons over this or that surface, which is the sign of a coming earthquake”.

    The project of monitoring and analyzing the portents of earthquakes is financed by the EU. Italy functions as the coordinator on the part of united Europe. Some other countries also declared their intention to participate in the project. The final line-up of participants will be determined by the middle of October when all of them get together for a session on Sakhalin.

  • About the IGMASS Project promotion in the Year of half-century Anniversary of the First Manned Flight (COPUOS2011)

    Precursors of major earthquakes and evaluating opportunities of its using in seismic forecasting

  • Local perturbations of the Earth’s radiation belt during the seismic event development in Japan on March 11, 2011 (Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, Vol. 38, No. 7) [pdf]
    The strong seismic event in Japan, begun on March 11, 2011 by the earthquake with a magnitude of 9, was accompanied by extraordinarily high aftershock activity with a number of earthquakes (with magnitudes M > 4) to 140 a day. Thus, in this case, the previously used analysis method [8] based on separation of two genetically related events (particle burst and earthquake) and designed for relatively rare events (less than ten a day) cannot be used. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the region geomagnetically coupled with the seismically active region in Japan, at 03:42:27 UT, a particle burst (at the level of 3.2 standard deviations) was detected, which could probably be a precursor of the rst main earthquake (M = 9) occurred at 05:46:23 UT.
  • A method of predicting the time of strong crustal earthquakes land (Spacecorp)
    The aim of the invention is a short-term forecasting of time of increased danger of strong crustal earthquakes land as a result of the braking performance sensing satellites in the OCP and detect precursory signals of seismic hazard.

    * Способ прогнозирования времени сильных коровых землетрясений суши (Findpatent.ru)
  • Vsplesk | The results are: (Tsniimash)
    Accumulated from the ISS-17 MKS-27/28 experiment "Vsplesk" statistics measuring the ambient particle fluxes permit a reliable identification in the experimental data bursts and variations of particle fluxes.

    Only from August 2008 to September 2011 in the experimental data on the AT "Vsplesk" was allocated 93 particle bursts at 5 standard deviations above (including 10 bursts during MKS-27/28), which practically coincides with the expected accounting estimates are (on average one or two burst per month), which takes into account the time required to find the ISS in areas near space and the lower the probability of specular points to get enough sleep as a result of the interaction of radiation belt particles at satellite altitude.

    It was found that, along with bursts of particles observed at different longitudes perturbed L-shells have bursts of particles that are grouped along the lines of faults, that is, directly in the areas of local perturbations of the radiation belt. A correlation analysis of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the registered particle bursts and data from seismic events shown on sufficient statistics, that ~15% of particle bursts can have a seismic nature. They are located at L-shells precede earthquakes and a few hours to earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 4 points.

    Revealed 8 bursts of particles - possible candidates for the precursors of earthquakes with magnitude 4 on the Richter scale. One result of this analysis are shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1. Events (21.02.2011), the one located on the L-shell (L = 1.34): a splash of particles (candidate earthquake precursors) and earthquakes with M> 4 that occurred in the interval of 1-5 hours after the burst of particles . Also in this figure marked all the earthquakes in the specified time interval, regardless of L.

    Conducting correlated measurements of particle fluxes at two spacecraft (ISS "Resource-DK1") has opened new possibilities in the study of nature bursts of particles to provide reliable results. The two examples shown in Fig. 2 and 3 show the possibility of such combined measurements.

    Fig. 2. Simultaneous registration burst of high energy electrons on the same L-shell at the two spacecraft.
  • 1st General Meeting & Special Conference of the IAF Asia-Pacific Regional Group
  • Interview academician Bondur "Guardian Angel of Space" in the journal "Ecology and Life" (Aerocosmos)
    In the new issue of the magazine "Ecology and Life" published an interview with the chief editor, AL SAMSONOVA with the director of the Research Institute "Aerocosmos" Academician VG Bondur under the title "Guardian Angel of the cosmos: the prediction of earthquakes and disasters, fire and municipal affairs." The material is devoted to monitoring and forecasting of disasters - one of the most urgent problems of modern environmental science.


  • 地震・津波分野における日露専門家会合の開催(外務省, 平成24年2月23日)
    The participants of the meeting of the Russian-Japanese experts in earthquake and tsunami in g.Sendai, 27-29 February 2012 (Seismic Weather Project)
  • 正確な地震予測が可能に (RUVR)
  • An earthquake can be predicted with an accuracy of a sniper (ONT.BY, 2012)

    The new spacecraft, developed by the Belarusian and Russian scientists is projected to be able to catch the glow of the atmosphere. And it will help accurately determine the epicenter of the underground hits.

    Scientists believe that because of the processes that occur in the crust, gases and ions in the atmosphere are beginning to glow. This glow, and will point to the area and the epicenter of the earthquake. "Space Observer," will be placed in a special complex that dock with the space station. And it will examine only the glow hemisphere, where it will be night. The unit will show an amazing accuracy at a distance of two thousand miles. It must withstand the rocking of the station and make a spectral picture of the atmosphere. Determines the earthquake, with an error in a matter of miles. Space conditions simulated in the laboratory, where the device has successfully passed the test. To work on the orbiting space observer will begin next year.
  • If you want, you can predict an earthquake... (Palindrome Lugansk, 2012.6.8)
    A small box with a lens weighing 18 kg, which is attached to an artificial Earth satellite. Here is the most famous Ukrainian invention of recent years in the field of space exploration - satellite telescope of electrons and protons, "STEP-F."
    It was created by scientists of Kharkiv National University led by PhD Alexei Dudnik. It was launched on the orbit in 2009 on board the Russian research satellite "CORONAS-Photon", which was the single scientific spacecraft in Russia at that times.
    Ukraine and Russia have started to explore together the Sun in 1992, and since then the KNU provides Russian satellites for its vehicles. Our device measures the speed and direction of the solar wind and its effect on the Earth's magnetosphere. Such research will allow scientists to understand: what is the reason of the storms on the Sun. Also telescope captures how rapidly the Earth's radiation belts are changing: it may help to predict an earthquake.

    Ukrainian unit did not disappoint its developers. But summed batteries of Russian-made satellite. All systems of the spacecraft was turned off in non full year, and no responded anymore though they were designed to run for the period from three to five years. As a result the work of the unit is paralyzed, it is weightlessness of orbital debris, and the next period of the Solar activity, for which it was launched, will be remain unexplored. Although even in quiet times for the Sun was able to collect unique data, which will long be analyzed, scientists around the world, says Alexei Dudnik.
    As it turned out, it's simple. Ukrainians are not only able to make good movies, cook, sing and dance. If you want, it may be possible to predict earthquake. Sometimes even a few minutes can save incredible amount of lives.
  • Russia resorts to small satellites (Spacedaily)
    "When we were developing GLONASS system we noticed that the concentration of free electrons in the ionosphere changes before earthquakes. Seven hours before the disaster in Japan in March last year, we saw a splash over the future epicenter. We suggest launching small satellites that could communicate with each other and measure signal delay in the ionosphere. This would drop away the need for setting up a large number of seismological stations.

    * Наноспутники мониторят Землю
  • Radiation belt local disturbances of lightning and seismic origin (23rd European Cosmic Ray Symposium)
    The results of the observation of bursts of high-energy charged particle fluxes in the near-Earth space, caused by local disturbances of the radiation belt and particle precipitation from it, in satellite experiments ARINA and VSPLESK are presented. Scintillation spectrometer ARINA (on board the Resurs-DK1 from 2006) and VSPLESK (on board the International Space Station from 2008), developed by MEPhI, are completely identical in physics scheme, physics performances (acceptance, energy range, energy resolution and others). These instruments register and identify electrons (3-30 MeV) and protons (30-100 MeV), measure their energies and give the possibility to study energy spectra and time profiles of particle fluxes. Particle bursts (sharp, short-time increases of particle flux) have been observed in each experiment: about 200 particle bursts in ARINA experiment and ~ 100 bursts in VSPLESK. The duration of particle bursts was in the range from several seconds to several dozens of seconds. Geographical distributions of particle bursts, obtained in these experiments, have been studied in detail. New specialties were revealed in geographical distributions, pointing out that the large part of high-energy particle bursts interrelates with thunderstorm and seismic activities, at that some part of bursts locates in the regions of tectonic faults. Correlation analysis of spatial and temporal characteristics of observed particle bursts and the data on the seismic events was executed. The results of this analysis show that ~20% of particle bursts have a seismic origin, at that they appear several hours before the earthquakes with magnitude more than 4 and can be considered as earthquake precursors. Results of observation of high-energy electron precipitation from the radiation belt over the Japan region during the powerful seismic event, started on March 11, 2011, are analyzed.
  • 11th Seminar: Earthquakes Early Warning from Space (INFN)
    Seismo-magnetospheric connection and prediction of earthquakes from space
  • A. GALPER, Mephi, Moscow, RU

  • 2013

  • Spacewalkers Deploy Plasma Experiment, Install Navigational Aid (NASA)
    The spacewalkers' first task was to install the Obstanovka experiment on the station's Zvezda service module. Obstanovka will study plasma waves and the effect of space weather on Earth's ionosphere.

  • Station Cosmonauts Complete Spacewalk to Deploy Cameras (NASA)
    In addition to their work with the two cameras, the spacewalkers also removed the Vsplesk experiment package and jettisoned it. Vsplesk, installed during an Expedition 17 spacewalk in July 2008, was designed to monitor seismic effects using high-energy particle streams in the near-Earth environment. Kotov and Ryazanskiy replaced it with hardware for a more sophisticated earthquake-monitoring experiment, Seismoprognoz, which they attached to a Zvezda handrail.

    Flickr: NASA: 2Explore's Photostream

    after 2:10

  • Results of the 35th expedition to the International Space Station (Roskosmos)

    Apparatus "Vsplesk" in the outer surface of the SM

    For realization of the experiment on the outer surface of the service module "Zvezda" is hardware complex "Vsplesk", installation of which was carried out at the external longitudinal rails of RO-2 No. 2526 and No. 2518 SM during EVA No. 20 during the ISS-17.
    In this experiment, the equipment operates automatically and crew participation is not provided. Transmission of information to the Earth is carried out once a day.
    During the ISS-35 in a continuous automatic mode continued work on the measurement of particle fluxes along the orbit of the ISS (radiation belt particles, galactic cosmic rays, particles of atmospheric albedo) in order to clarify the modeling of stationary (background) particle fluxes and a further set of statistical data to be processed and analysis of experimental results.
    Transmitted to Earth 118 Mbytes of information that will be used to examine the relationship of seismic processes and phenomena in the Earth's crust, magnetosphere, ionosphere and the Earth's radiation belts, the study of the physical nature of seismic effects in the near-Earth space, as well as the predictive capabilities of the new earthquake precursor - bursts of high energy charged particles in near-Earth space.


  • 世界の宇宙技術力比較 (2013年) (G-Tec報告書)
  • High-energy cosmic rays from solar flares according spectrometers "Pamela" and "Arina" on board "Resurs-DK1" (Roskosmos, 19.04.2014)
    To date, for the duration of the measurements recorded in orbit for more than two and a half billion events, received more than 16 terabytes of experimental information.
  • Anticipate - means to control (Spacecorp, 02.06.2014)
    In our country, we laid the organizational and technical basis MAKSPM there almost all the necessary infrastructure for collecting, receiving, processing, and communicating monitoring information to consumers. For example, in the coming years to create a real specialized orbit and ground infrastructure predict seismic events (Table 1).
  • 宇宙から動物の個体数を確認(ナショナルジオグラフィック日本版)
  • Russia, Belarus and Peru will create a nano-satellite for earthquake prediction (Spacecorp, 27.08.2014)
    Kursk scientists, together with colleagues from Belarus and Peru will create a nano-satellite, which will orbit a number of experiments, including the ability to forecast earthquakes. This was at the press conference said the head of Research and Education Center for Space Research of the Southwestern State University (SWSU, Kursk) Valerian Picco.

    According to him, the new nano-satellite will be the continuation of work on the Russian-Peruvian unit "Chaska-1", which was launched into space on August 18 and is now in orbit. Analog "Chaska 1" will become the main module, which will be joined by two modules of the same size (10 by 10 cm) - Peru and Belarus. Each of the three modules will conduct their experiments.

    Peruvian scientists, which is now actively being negotiated, are going to find a way to predict earthquakes in the radio frequency emissions that occur in the Earth's crust and can be fixed by long-wave receiver from outer space. "Peruvians offer to study the low-frequency range of the radio waves. It is associated with earthquakes in South America that often occur," - said Picco.

    Scientists SWSU, in turn, conduct an experiment to study the charged particles. This will help to understand the relationship between the phenomena on the Earth's surface and the phenomena in space. The Belarusian State University is also preparing a science project. "On the basis of the university held a competition of student works and suggestions for experiments", - said Picco.

    Earlier, Vice Rector SWSU Oleg Atakischev told Itar-Tass that the creation of the new nano-satellite will take about two years. To start it from the ISS will be developed newest system starts (satellite "Chaska-1" was launched into orbit manually cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev).

    Another partner of Kursk scientists in the space sector could be Kazakhstan.

    * Valerian Pikkiyev: "Small satellite - great prospects" (SWSU)


  • The main results of satellite experiments "Arina" and "Vsplesk" to study the bursts of high-energy charged particles in the Earth's magnetosphere and its relationship to seismic processes (Lltterref)
    Galper A.M., Koldashov S.V.


    In the first phase (2016 - 2020 years) implemented capacity constellation of spacecraft socio-economic and scientific purposes to the minimum necessary staff mostly spacecraft created in the previous programming period, advancing the establishment of key technologies, components and target devices for space systems, the creation of which planned in accordance with the Programme, the modernization and technical re-equipment in the minimum necessary amount of industrial-technological and experimental bases of the space industry, allowing to create a space rocket and a world-class technology.

    In the second phase (2021 - 2025 years) is carried out to maintain the minimum required composition of the constellation of spacecraft, partial re its spacecraft of new generation with the characteristics meet or exceed the characteristics of the best world analogues, advancing the establishment of certain key technologies, components and target devices for the highest priority space systems, the development of which is expected after 2025.
  • RSC Energia: in 2017 on the ISS it is planned to install the hardware to study the animal and bird migration July 21, 2016
    The science hardware of the joint Russian-German ICARUS experiment (International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space) to study wild animal and bird migration is scheduled to be delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2017.
  • VII International Conference “Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Physics of Earthquakes Precursors” August 29 - September 2, 2016
    B.M. Shevtsov (Ed.)
  • Roskosmos and MOE RUSSIA Deepening cooperation 19.09.2016
    September 19, 2016 Director General of the state corporation "Roscosmos" Igor Komarov and Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia) Vladimir Puchkov signed an agreement on cooperation in space activities.

    The agreement deepens the coordination interaction of Roskosmos and the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in receiving, processing and using information received from the national space complexes and systems of remote sensing (RS) and the Global Navigation Satellite System GLONASS, as well as in testing and use of domestic space means and technologies for more the effective implementation of the Russian emergencies Ministry forecasting problems and disaster monitoring.

    * EMERCOM of Russia and the Federal Space Agency signed a cooperation agreement in the field of space monitoring of interaction (video)


  • RSC Energia: a project to launch small satellites from cargo spacecraft February 6, 2017
    Rocket and Space Corporation (RSC) Energia (a part of Roscosmos) has plans to involve the leading Russian scientific centers and universities into a project to launch small Cubesat satellites using cargo transportation spacecraft Progress MS.

    The project calls for installation of special containers for insertion of small spacecraft into their target orbit on the outer surface of a cargo spacecraft. These might be commercial, educational or applied satellites with the size of up to 6U. Cargo spacecraft Progress MS are launched on a regular basis three times a year within the framework of logistics support for the International Space Station (ISS).

  • Эксперимент "Всплеск" (Energia) | Эксперимент "Всплеск" (ЦУП) | Institute of Space Physics NRNU MEPI (Mephi)
  • Burst: Monitoring of Seismic Effects - Bursts of High Energy Particles in Low Earth Space Region (NASA)

    Geometrical factor10cm2cr
    Angular aperture±30°
    Energy rangeproton 30-100 MeV
    electron 3-30 MeV
    Energy resolutionproton 10 %
    electron 15 %
    Time resolution100 ns
    Mass8.6 kg
    Power consumption13.5 W

    Physical Scheme of Spectrometers: Arina and Vsplesk (after Galper et al., 2011 and Koldashov et al., 2010)

    Earth radiation belt (A.M. Galper) | 15 放射線帯粒子の基本的な運動ってなに? (STEL) | 電子放射線帯変動における波動の役割(小原隆博)

  • NASA's Van Allen Probes Discover a Surprise Circling Earth (NASA, 2013.02.28)

    It was a lucky decision. Shortly before REPT turned on, solar activity on the sun had sent energy toward Earth that caused the radiation belts to swell. The REPT instrument worked well from the moment it was turned on Sep. 1. It made observations of these new particles trapped in the belts, recording their high energies, and the belts' increased size.

    Then something happened no one had ever seen before: the particles settled into a new configuration, showing an extra, third belt extending out into space. Within mere days of launch, the Van Allen Probes showed scientists something that would require rewriting textbooks.
    * A Long-Lived Relativistic Electron Storage Ring Embedded in Earth's Outer Van Allen Belt Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1233518
    [ISS Russian Segment User Manual]