Kompass (Compass: Complex Orbital Magneto-Plasma
Autonomous Small Satellite) 2
Kompass-2 (Roskosmos)
Where is She Now?
Google News検索|Novosti検索 現地天候&衛星写真
International Conference on Climate Change and Disaster Management (i3CDM)
Anatoly N. Perminovand Sergei V.Cherkas, Methodology of short-term powerful earthquakes forecasting and warningsthrough the using of Earth-Space Monitoring Data: Russian approach
Degtiar V.G. and S.T. Kalashnikov, Small size spacecraft VULKAN-KOMPAS-2
Degtyarev A., A. Makarov , S. Moskalov , O. Fedorov and V. Korepanov, Directions of space researches of earthquake precursors
Accurate quake forecast in 2 decades
India is augmenting its space platforms and land-based observation network in a bid to predict earthquakes accurately in the next two decades, Shailesh Nayak, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences, has said.
Delivering a plenary lecture at the International Conference on Climate Change and Disaster Management (i3CDM) which began here on Thursday, Dr. Nayak said the network of satellites, GPS stations, and other observation systems would help scientists keep a close tab on seismic phenomenon in the region and generate critical inputs for quake prediction.
Ninth All-Russian open the annual conference
"Modern problems of remote sensing from space," Moscow, Space Research Institute, 14-18 November 2011
VLF experiment on the satellite "Compass-2" and ground-based measurements seysmoelektromagnitnyh effects on the Kamchatka Peninsula
CIS countries: Integration, Development Potential and Legal Aspect, 2011
Ionospheric space experiments
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 51, Number 3, June 2011
Orbital monitoring of the ionosphere and abnormal phenomena by the small Vulkan-Compass-2 satellite
The Atmosphere and Ionosphere, Physics of Earth and Space Environments, 2010
“COMPASS 2” Satellite and Ground-Based Experiments
Magazine "Problem Electromechanics" Spacecraft for remote
sensing of the Earth, 2008 (VNIIEM)
Romanov AA, Urlichich YM, Pulinets SA
Investigation of possible application of satellite navigation systems for monitoring seismic events
Smirnov VM, Smirnov EV
Towards modernization of satellite platforms and output means for the creation of MCA for monitoring operating experience MCA "COMPASS-2"
Degtar VG, Danilkin VA, Prokofiev VK, Taraschik NV
SATELLITE scanning electron system. Interference evaluation and adjustment PARAMETERS IN GEOREKTIFIKATSII
N. Georgiev, S. Fotev
AGU Fall Meeting 2007
Kuznetsov V.D., Ruzhin Yu.Ya., Sorokin V.M., The capability of space mission to study the ionosphere and electromagnetic disturbances related to seismic activity
Instrument from Uppsala gives warning of earthquakes (Horizon Uppsala, April 2007)
Its successor Compass-3 is being launched in December 2008, but new apparatus from Uppsala is planned to reach outer space as early as this year. A Mexican-Russian nanosatellite for earthquake research will contain three Swedish instruments: one from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and two from Uppsala, which bears overall responsibility for the instrument. In addition to a newly developed radio receiver, a socalled Langmuir probe will be measuring electron density in space plasma.
“It’s a classic Uppsala instrument for which we are the global leader,” Jan Bergman concludes.
14.03.2007 Degtjarja Vladimir Grigorevicha's interview, general director FGUP GRTS « KB it. Academician V.P.Makeeva » (Roskosmos)
GRTS rightfully can speak today not only about creation of conversion rockets-carriers "Volna" and "Shtil" to which there is a proof interest of customers, but also creation of own space vehicle - «Kompas-2».
- In the world the basic income in space activity is brought with satellite programs. In view of it under orders of Roskosmosa within the limits of Federal space program GRTS has executed development and start of the research satellite "Kompas-2" intended for monitoring of natural and technogenic accidents, and also for working off of a technique of the prevention of earthquakes by means of space means. The enterprises-accessory manufacturers have been involved in the given work – by TsUP-Moscow TSNIIMash, PO "Polyot", Joint-Stock Company "Novag", and also the organizations which developed and have given the scientific equipment – Institute of terrestrial magnetism, an ionosphere and distribution of radiowaves it. N.V.Pushkova and the Scientific research institute of nuclear physics it. D.V.Skobelitsyna of the Moscow State University.
Today «Kompas-2» in a regular mode works in an orbit, scientists process the information received from a board, and we very much hope for development of this program.
08.02.2007 Session of the State commission on summarizing flight tests KA ≪Kompas-2≫ (Roskosmos)
In Roskosmose session of the State commission on which have been summed up letnyh tests of a small-sized space vehicle ≪Kompas-2≫, developed by the State rocket center ≪Academician V.P. Makeyev DB≫.
In the examination of sums participated the representatives OF GRTS and subcontracting enterprises - Moscow Space Ceneter TsNIIMash, PO Polyot, private company Novag, and other organizations which developed and granted the scientific equpment - IZMIRAN and NII nuclear physics of the Moscow State University.
The state commission under presidency of deputy head Roskosmosa J.I.Nosenko has recognized the program flight tests completely and successfully executed and has made a decision on translation KA ≪Kompas-2≫ in a regular operating mode.
Within 2007 the space vehicle will work under programs of the scientific researches developed by institutes of the Russian academy of sciences. At session of State commission representatives of scientific research institute of nuclear physics of the Moscow State University have already reported about received by them with ≪Kompas-2≫ the unique scientific data, concerning on solar activity.
The space vehicle ≪Kompas-2≫ has been started on May, 26th, 2006 by means of a booster rocket "Shtil" from a board of a submarine "Ekaterinburg" from water area Barentseva of the sea. It is intended for monitoring natural and technogenic accidents, and also for working off of a technique of the prevention of earthquakes by means of space means. During from June till December, 2006 with KA work was spent to maintenance of performance of problems of input of service systems KA in a regular configuration and checks of the scientific equipment established on its board.
* 関連:The spacecraft "Kompas-2" is put into operation (Novosti)
09.01.2007 About work of a space vehicle ≪Kompas-2≫ (Roskosmos)
Proceed letnye tests of the Russian small-sized space vehicle ≪Kompas-2≫.
During tests the analysis of the information acting from the service equipment
and scientific devices, placed onboard MKA is spent.
On December 28, a coil 3917 testing the transmitter of 150/400 MHz RBE
"Beacon" took place. The Operating mode of the transmitter on capacity of
radiated signals corresponds to settlement estimations. The telemetering
information of the equipment of satellite navigation (ASN) confirms working
capacity in structure of MKA - during a session of communication supervision
of five satellites is carried out.
The scientific program and the equipment for KA are developed by Institute
of terrestrial magnetism, an ionosphere and distribution of radiowaves of the
Russian Academy of Science it. N.V.Pushkova, the Scientific research institute
of nuclear physics of the Moscow State University it. D.V.Skobelitsyna together
with GRTS ≪ KB it. Academician V.P.Makeeva ≫.
Management of a space vehicle ≪Kompas-2≫ is spent by Control centre of
flights TSNIIMash (of Queens), Control centre " Western " (IZMIRAN), located
in a Troitsk the Moscow area and Control centre " East " located in GRTS (Miass).
21.12.2006 About work KA «Kompas-2» (Roskosmos)
The stage of checks of the service and scientific equipment which are being onboard the Russian small-sized space vehicle «Kompas-2», developed in the State rocket center « KB comes to the end with it. Academician V.P.Makeeva ». The device intended for monitoring of natural and technogenic accidents, and also for working off of a technique of the prevention of earthquakes, prepares for work in a mode of pre-production operation.
For today the full volume of checks of system of orientation and stabilization (SOS), including stages of "calms" and the subsequent inclusion of a mode of active stabilization is lead. Are confirmed tochnostnye characteristics of system. Reception of the information from scientific devices proceeds.
Management of a space vehicle «Kompas-2» is spent by Control centre of flights TSNIIMash (of Queens) and Control centre " East " located in GRTS (Miass).
Published: 2006 Dec. 8
A small Russian satellite that was written off for dead months ago has revived and currently operating, Russian space agency, Roskosmos, said Thursday.
The Compass-2 spacecraft run into trouble immediately after its launch from a Russian submarine on May 26, 2006 and there were few reports about its condition since then. Many observers considered the satellite lost.
However according to sources within the Compass program, communications with the satellite was restored on Nov. 16, 2006 and first data was received on Nov. 25, 2006. Flight controllers then initiated efforts to jump-start the satellite's scientific program.
The Compass-2 is designed with a primary goal of testing a controversial theory about the possibility of predicting earthquakes from space. It is the only Russian-built spacecraft dedicated to science, which is currently operating in orbit.
12/4 News (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
The first scientific data from the "Kompas-2" satellite are received and analyzed. The satellite was launched on May 26, 2006 at about 11 p.m. Moscow local time, but during the next half a year it was not possible to establish connection with the satellite.
The first scientific information for the period of November 27-28 is presented at Figure below. At the top graph one can see all the obtained information - four time intervals correspondent to four switchings of the equipment on. At the additional panel the satellite's coordinates (longitude and geomagnetic L-shell) are presented. The data from the 1st and the 3d time intervals on a larger scale accompanied with L-shell and local magnetic time MLT at the additional panels are presented at lower graphs separately.
The first interval covers the satellite's leaving of the Southern polar cap along the midday meridian. Electron channels demonstrate a smooth peak corresponding to the passing of the outer radiation belt. The inner (lower) boundary is at about L=4. At high latitudes there are no peaks which could witness auroral activity (and this fact is expactable for midday longitudes). Proton channels detect background level, as prescibed for the periods of solar flares absence and at the orbits' segments out of the South-Atlantic anomaly.
The next time intervals conforms to the satellite's entry into the Northern polar cap.
Several months of persistent attempts to establish a contact with the satellite have at last resulted in successfull communication session.
5/30:У российского спутника "Компас-2" возникли проблемы с ориентацией (NTsOMZ)
After a few successful contacts with COMPASS-2 it has become clear that serious problems have developped onboard. Insufficient power supply prevents activation of the scientific payload (IZMIRAN et al.) onboard the COMPASS-2. Several working groups including the one from the satellite designer (Makeev Design Bureau) have been set up to try to resolve the situation. (IZMIRAN)
[FPSPACE] Compass-2 problems in the Russian press→Сейсмологи остались без спутника (Kommersant)
* Setback for seismic sleuths (MSNBC)
With that background, Russia's launch of the Compass 2 satellite on Saturday promised to open up an avenue of research toward honest-to-goodness earthquake prediction, even though plenty of experts suspect it may be a dead end. The satellite was supposed to observe changes in Earth's magnetic field and determine whether those changes could serve as precursors of seismic events.
Setback for seismic sleuths
5/29:the malfunctions connected with a power failure on onboard battery during tests. (Roskosmos)
On May 27, 2006, IZMIRAN announced that first radio contacts with the satellite took place as scheduled. However two days after launch, the official Russian agency ITAR TASS, quoted IZMIRAN's director Vladimir Kuznetsov as saying that ground control had problems transmitting test commands to the satellite. Ground controllers also experienced problems in maintaining attitude control of the satellite, apparently resulting in the lack of exposure of solar panels to the Sun. (RussianSpaceWeb)
Northern Fleet Helps to Forecast Earthquakes (Kommersant)
Спутник "Компас-2", запущенный с атомной подлодки, взят на управление (NTsOMZ)
2006-019A (SPACE 40)
5/28:Earthquake research satellite launched into orbit (Spaceflight Now)
Submerged Russian sub launches satellite (Spacedaily)
Satellit ska förvarna om jordbävningar (Sveriges Radio)
5/27:Подводный атомный ракетоносец запустил ракету со спутником на борту (lenta.ru)
5/26:Successfull launch
Satellite separated normally
First communication sessions are scheduled
for 00 UTC and about 02 UTC (over IZMIRAN) 【Video】
КА Компас-2 на расчетной орбите (Roskosmos)
5/24:The launch is delayed (by at least one day).
The starting of ballistic missile with the satellite "compass-2" is postponed (Novosti@altavista訳)
The starting of ballistic missile tyuey sput no "the compass-2", outlined for
the evening from redy, it is postponed because of the disagreement of the
separate parameters in the course of podgotov Ci to the start, reports RIA of
news. As explained the assistant of glavkoma VMF the captain Of igor 6 Dygalo,
the "planning test st of rel'ba by ballistic missile with the purpose you
conducting to the near earth orbit the skill of nnogo Earth satellite "compass-2 "was postponed. P of richina - the disagreement of the separate pairs of ametrov in the course of preparation for is test 1 shooting ". According to him, after that corresponding Prof to erki of the parameters will be determined the date och of erednogo test launching. The assistant of glavkoma VMF specified that test z of apusk of rocket with the satellite "compass-2" of plani it rovalos' to carry out from the board underwater l of odki of northern fleet.
Russian submarine launch for 'quake detection|BBS←濃ゆ杉 (NasaSpaceFlight.com)
Satellite to Forecast Earthquakes|Satellit med svensk sändare förvarnar om jordbävningar (Sveriges Radio)
Forecast earthquakes from space (Novosti, 22.03.2006)
In the second quarter of 2006 is scheduled to run from the Barents Sea on board the submarine strategic satellite "Compass-2." This small, weighing only 80 kg spacecraft designed to test the know-how of scientists of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN), who are hoping to learn how to predict earthquakes by observing them prior specific phenomena in the magnetosphere and ionosphere of the Earth ...
Scientific and Technical Subcommittee: 2006 Forty-third session (20 February-3 March 2006)
Space-borne system for online precursors monitoring of earthquakes, and other natural and man-made disasters
Mr. Y. Ruzhin, Head of the Laboratory of Active Space Experiments Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Russian Academy of Sciences
"Universitetskiy" and "Kompas-2" (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Compass-2 Radio Frequency Analyzer (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)
Компас-2 (TsUP)
Компас (Makeyev DB)
Compass (Russianspaceweb)
COMPASS-2 (eoPortal)
Tracking Compass 2 (Zarya)
Штиль (Makeyev DB)
[ satellite | Kompass ]