Kompass (Compass: Complex Orbital Magneto-Plasma Autonomous Small Satellite)

衛星試験中のKompass (Photo by Dr. Sergey Pulinets)
March 12, 2001
Dear colleagues,
On 5th and 6th of April, 2001, the Workshop will be held at IZMIRAN. The theme of this meeting is - "The applied methods for monitoring of Earth from space and the using of information from satellites for prediction of natural and technogenic disasters".
The organization Committee of the Workshop meeting includes:
- Russian Space Agency;
- Russian Academy of Sciences;
- IZMIRAN (Russia);
- Research Institute for Electromechanics (Russia);
- Association "Intergeospace" (Russia).
The chairman of organization committee: Victor N. ORAEVSKY - Director of IZMIRAN.
At the beginning of the Workshop meeting there will be presented two reports, as follows:
1. Victor N. Oraevsky, Vladimir S. Dokukin. "Compass Project".
In May 2001 it will be send the Compass small satellite. An equipment of the satellite makes it possible to obtain the new data about the influence of the tectonic activity of Earth surface on the processes in the Earth atmosphere. These data could be used in the new methods of prediction the natural disasters and also in search for the unknown deposits, the new coal-field and oil-field.
2. Victor N. Oraevsky, Kirill A. Boyarchuk, Vladimir S. Dokukin, Sergey A. Pulinets, Yury Ya. Ruzhin, Rashid S. Salikhov and others. "Investigation and monitoring of the earthquakes and others natural and technogenic disasters" (It is about the project of creation the space system that consists of eight small satellites).
The interested organizations from Russia and foreign countries will participate in the work of meeting. The main languages of meeting are:
- Russian;
- English.
Please inform us before the 28th of March, 2001, about your decision to participate in the Workshop meeting and send us the abstract of your report. The order of reports will be worked out during the work of meeting.
Please have a contact with us:
- Address: IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Moscow region, 142190, Russia;
- Tel.: (095)-334-01-20;
- Fax: (095)-334-01-24;
- E-mail : igs@izmiran.rssi.ru and oraevsky@izmiran.rssi.ru
Awaiting your early reply.
Yours faithfully,
President of Association "Intergeospace"
Member of International Academy of Astronautics;
Tsiolkovsky Academy of Cosmonautics,
・New Russian satellite will forecast earthquakes (2001/3/29 Russian Observer)
・小型のロシア衛星、地震の兆候を精密に検査 (2001/4/11 Spaceref)
小型のロシア製衛星が地震の予知を目的として、今年後半に打上げる。ウクライナ製のZenitロケットにピギーバックとして打上げられる。このミッションの主な搭載衛星はロシア政府の衛星である。地球磁気電離層電波伝達研究所が設計し、マケィエフ国家ロケットセンター(Makayev State Rocket Center)が製造したKompas衛星は磁気圏を監視し、地震の可能性を示す。(要約:スペースレフ)
* ロシア筋によると、アメリカの搭載センサー(TOMS or SAGE III ?)に不具合が発生したため、9月11月に遅れるとのこと(参考:Russianspaceweb)
・ロシア、地震予測衛星の打上げを計画(2001/8/18 BBC)
衛星はSLBM等の製造を行うMakeyev設計局(Makeyev Design Bureau State Rocket Center)が開発。システムは6機の衛星から構成され、静止軌道上から地表全体の観測を行う。
* 6機の衛星→Vulcan-Esperiaのことか?
* 米国の商業衛星→米国の衛星搭載機器の誤訳と思われる
* navigationとちゃう象~>ぷらうだ
・IAF 2001(2001/10/3)
・Микроспутник «Компас» (Novosti Kosmonavtiki, No.11 2001)
・Zenit-2 lofts a cluster of satellites(2001/12/10 Russianspaceweb)
A long-delayed mission of the Zenit-2 rocket to deliver the Meteor-3M remote-sensing satellite finally got off the ground from Baikonur Cosmodrome's Site 45 on December 10. Along with the Meteor, the Zenit-2 was carrying a cluster of small international payloads, including Moroccan and Pakistani satellites. Also onboard were the Compass spacecraft developed at KB Mashinostroenia in the city of Miass and
designed to test the techniques of predicting earthquakes, and the Reflector experiment developed by NII KP design bureau.
This launch was originally expected in December of last year, however it was continuously delayed mainly due to the problem with the US-build SAGE-III instrument installed onboard the Meteor-3M.
* 関連:Zenit 2 Launches Russian Weather Satellite / 4 Science Spacecraft (SPACEandTECH)
Zenit 2 rocket launches five satellite
payloads into space (Spaceflightnow)
On 10 December 200yg. from the spaceport " Baikonur " the forces of the combat crew Of rosaviakosmosa produced the successful starting/launching of space vehicle " Meteor -3M ". (Rosaviakosmos+babelfish)
" COMPASS " (Russia) - is intended for the detection of the effects of the action of the tectonic breakings of the Earth on the environment, the search for lithospheric, atmospheric and ionospheric responses to changes in the state of the zone of the tectonic activity, which can be important for the prediction/forecast of natural catastrophes, the study of the possibility of the development/detection of the concealed/latent layers of useful minerals - including of oil, gas.
・軌道要素(SPACE 40 2001/12/14)
・軌道要素(Heavens-Above 2002/1/11)
・Energetic particle monitoring in space: three-decades of experience at IEPSAS (Recent Advances in Space Technologies, 2003)
・Earthquake Forecast Satellite to Be Launched From Submarine (RedOrbit 2006/2/28)
MOSCOW. Feb 28 (Interfax-AVN) - The Kompas-2 satellite, designed to forecast earthquakes from space, will be launched into space in the second quarter of 2006, Yury Zaitsev, an advisor with the Engineering Science Academy, told Interfax-Military News Agency on Tuesday.
"The Kompas-2 satellite is expected to be launched into space by a strategic submarine from the Barents Sea," Zaitsev said.
According to him, the weight of the satellite amounts to 80 kg. It mounts equipment, designed by scientists from the Earth Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
"Scientists hope to learn to predict earthquakes by monitoring specific phenomena in the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere, preceding earthquakes," Zaitsev said.
According to him, scientists noted abnormal phenomena in ionosphere several days before powerful earthquakes as far back as the 1960s. However, Russia started studying the problem in earnest only in the late 1970s, when the Interkosmos-19 satellite obtained data, confirming the hypothesis.
"The equipment, mounted on the satellite, detected deviations in the low-frequency band over the earthquake epicenter, registered several hours before the first earth tremor," Zaitsev said.
According to him, scientists also noted a concentration of radon near the epicenter and a concentration of electrons in ionosphere over the area.
"Since the data were obtained in addition to other scientific researches, it was decided to launch a special satellite into space in order to predict earthquakes," he said.
According to him, at that stage scientists from the Earth Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation Institute were joined by experts from the Makeyev State Rocket Center, who started developing the satellite and offered to launch it from a submarine with the help of a converted Shtil launch vehicle.
The Kompas experimental satellite was launched into orbit in December 2001.
"The objective of the launch consisted in evaluating capabilities of special devices of forecasting earthquakes. Unfortunately, a hardware failures did not allow the research to be completed, although, first data obtained were quite promising," Zaitsev said.
According to him, the research was resumed with the help of the Meteor-3M weather satellite in 2002-2003. "The satellite predicted 44 out of 47 earthquakes," he said.
In addition to that, International Space Station crews conduct experiments in this sphere as well. The results are expected to be used for developing the Vulkan geo-space system satellites, tasked with forecasting and monitoring natural and man-caused disasters, Zaitsev said.
He noted that the Kompas-2 was designed to gather statistics and refine the onboard equipment. In addition, the Kompas-3 satellite is expected to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2006 to test new monitoring devices.
・The COMPASS Spacecraft
・Small Satellites - scientific and commercial opportunities
・SPACE ROCKET COMPLEX SHTIL USER'S GUIDE (High Energy Space Astronomy, University of Helsinki)
・Project COMPASS-POINT(プリンストン大学)
・Project "Kompas" (Novosti Kosmonavtiki, No.4 1996)
・Makeyev Design Bureau State Missile Center (Makeyev GRTs) (NTI)
・Space Launches of April 2001(Space-Launcher.com)
* Space Transportation News of November 2000
・Satellite Database on the ULF/VLF Emissions, Electric Fields and the Other Parameters for Studying the Processes in the Near-Earth Plasma Including Earthquake and Technogeneous Effects
・Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena #0417-2(ISTC)
・衛星による地震-電磁気現象の観測の実行可能性研究 (NASDA)