Source: Space system "Sich-2" | SICH2_broshura_28.03.2011.pdf (Dniprokosmos)ウクライナの小型地球観測衛星Sich-2は、2011年8月17日にDnepr で高度約700kmの太陽同期軌道に打上げられました。主ミッションは陸域光学観測であるが、Potential とよばれるプラズマ・電磁場・エネルギー粒子観測装置を搭載。
2013年5月22日、 2012年12月12日から通信途絶、今後の運用は不可能 とのリリース。
NigeriaSat-2 & NigeriaSat-X Launch (SSTL)
NSAU: Ukraine can create own Earth remote sensing system in 2 years (NRCU)Where is She Now?
Heavens-Above : 2011-044-G
Sich-2 Satellite is a small spacecraft, designed at the world's top level in non-hermetic performance with a wide use of polymeric and composite materials. The satellite is equipped with optical-electronic scanner with three spectral and one panchromatic band, midrange infrared scanner and a complex of scientific instrumentation «Potential».
Composition of the satellite's payload includes a complex of scientific instrumentation «Potential», designed to study parameters of neutral and charged particles, electric and magnetic fields in the upper atmosphere of Earth. The complex of scientific instrumentation consists of:- particle density analyzer for studying parameters of neutral (DN Probe) and charged (DE Probe) particles of space plasma,
In order to accomplish tasks of the experiment the measurement data of the Earth's magnetic field will be used by means of high-precision flux-gate magnetometer LEMI-016M installed on the satellite. Specifications of the instruments are designed to detect disturbances of the electromagnetic field, plasma and neutral particles, typical for the altitudes near 700 km.
- satellite's hull potential indicator relating to plasma (EZ electric probe),
- Onboard data collection and handling system (ODHS).
3.4. Earth ionosphere monitoring
At present, near space is being intensively utilized by humans, and the number of satellite-based systems is growing annually. Therefore the tasks of diagnosis, study and forecasting changes in the parameters of outer space environment become pending.
Seismo-ionospheric coupling and EQ forecast probability | AGW as a seismo-ionospheric coupling responsible agent
The main task of «Potential» Scientific Instrumentation, which is installed on board the Sich-2 spacecraft, is to practice methods of space weather monitoring and retrieval of geophysical effects in the ionosphere.
At altitudes below 800 km, where the charged components do not exceed 10% of the total atmospheric concentration, the dynamics of neutral gas plays an important and in many cases a decisive role in behavior of ionospheric plasma. Direct measurements of neutral particle parameters directly from the satellites were carried out only in the 1970's and early 1980's. The volume of information transmitted to Earth by satellites of those years, was negligible. Thus, present-day space experiment with utilization of new technologies and long-term monitoring of atmosphere-ionospheric parameters will allow exploring the dynamics of upper atmosphere at a brand new level.
Exploration of Earth's magnetic field variations and their connection to the dynamics of neutral atmosphere is a pending task of nowadays. Considerable interest is given to electromagnetic (EM) effects of atmospheric gravity waves (AGW). Search of EM structures of AGW in space is a new scientific task to solve which can include the «Potential» experiment data. This experiment offers a simultaneous registration of plasma and EM values and determination of kinetic properties of plasma - concentration and temperature of neutral particles and electrons and the degree of ion component dissociation by measuring plasma parameters.
Another important objective of the «Potential» project is conduction of simultaneous measurement of magnetic field on the satellite and the sites of numerous ground magnetic stations allocation. Registration of magnetic variations in a power tube aboard Sich-2 and on the Earth's surface will allow solving a number of original issues of terrestrial-space interferometry related to the own and caused vibrations of the Earth's magnetic field. A particular interest is given to the measurements over Ukrainian Antarctic Station «Akademik Vernadsky», equipped with advanced magnetic observatory.
On the path of Sich-2 satellite over the ground test sites, including those with the means of active influence on the ionosphere the combined experiments could be conducted with registration of the effects on Earth and on the satellite. Such means of influence include: incoherent diffusion radar and vertical sounding station of the Institute of Ionosphere of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, ionosphere sounding system based on radio-telescope UTR-2 and low-frequency observatory of the Radioastronomic Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, partial reflection devices, and partial duplex sensing of Kharkiv National V.N. Karazin University, superpower stand for acoustic sensing of Lviv Center of the Space Research Institute NASU-NSAU. Considerable interest is given to joint observations with foreign partners – auroral stands of the EISCAT European Association (Troms, Norway), HAARP (Alaska, USA) and SURA (Russia).
The main objectives of proposed experiment:
- Methods development for synchronous parameters registration of EM fields, neutral and charged components of the upper atmosphere.
- Working out the method of ionospheric plasma diagnostics under the data of satellite's potential measurements.
- Study of wave activity in the upper atmosphere, individual events analysis and statistic regularities.
- Identification of EM structures of AGW according to direct satellite measurements data.
- Conducting combined experiments with ground-based means for diagnostics and active influence on the ionosphere.
Space Weather Activities in Ukraine Winter 2011 Report Aleksei Parnowski, Space Research Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
"Sich-2" passed the first pictures of Earth (NKAU, 2011.8.26) The program flight-design tests of spacecraft "Sich-2" on 25 August 2011 (9 day flight) was planned and successfully executed the first shooting ground.
The resulting board sensor information was given on board the spacecraft directly to the receiving ground station for receiving and processing center for specific information and control navigation field (in Dunaevcy, Khmelnitsky region.). The space shot was received and processed by members of the ground facilities.
To date, audited and reserve sets of onboard equipment "Sich-2". Inspections performed in full, on-board equipment is functioning normally.
Program flight-design tests designed for 35 days and involves conducting surveys of different parts of the world, and to perform scientific measurements in the space experiment "Potential."
中乌科技合作互惠共赢 成果丰硕(人民網, 2011.8.30) 航天领域的合作是中乌科技合作的一个重要方面。在中乌航天科技合作大纲框架下,累计约50多个合作项目执行顺利。在2010年召开的中乌航天合作委员会第七次会议上,双方对目前两国航天领域的合作给予了积极的评价,并就联合实施中国的“地震电磁卫星”项目和乌克兰的“IONOSAT卫星”项目、在中国“环境-1B”卫星和乌克兰的“SICH-2”卫星框架内交换太空数据以及在欧洲空间局GEOSS(全球综合地球观测系统)十年计划的框架内加强对地观测、环保合作提出了更高的标准。会议批准新25个项目作为今后两年的政府间航天科技合作项目,现这些项目已启动实施。In satellite "Sich-2" made the first tests include scientific equipment (, 2011.9.8) The Ukrainian satellite remote sensing of the new generation of "Sich-2", which launched into space 17 August, the first tests performed include complex scientific equipment "Potential". This is the State Space Agency of Ukraine.
Reportedly, the first test the inclusion of the "potential" made under the program flight-design tests of spacecraft "Sich-2" showed that this complex is in standard mode.
Complex scientific equipment "Potential" is designed to study the properties of near-earth plasma parameters of electric and magnetic fields of Earth, streams of neutral and charged particles in terrestrial space.Seismic-ionospheric communications - possible mechanism and plans for research (IKD, 2011.9.23) VE Korepanov, Ph.D, Dep. Director LC ISR [ppt]
A brief review of reported effects of ionosphere response to earthquake preparation process and made assumptions about the possible mechanism of generation and transmission of energy from the lithosphere to the ionosphere. Formulated conditions that must be met in preparing and implementing targeted space experiment to study ionospheric precursors of earthquakes.GLOBAL SPACE SYSTEM OF SEISMIC ACTIVITY MONITORING (TEMPUS-CRIST Project, 2011.10.24) MAIN TASKS OF THE SYSTEMsearch, detection and investigation of ionosphere disturbances, caused by Earth seismic activity; research of physical mechanisms of interaction in the system: “Earth crust-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere”; development of satellite monitoring principles of ionosphere aspects for earth-quakes forecast; control of seismic activity and earth-quake forecast; recommendations for action in the critical situations. Current status of the project "Potential" (IKD, 2012.5.25) Leontev AntonIonospheric satellite projects with the Space Research Institute NASU and NSAU: Part 3. Space experiment "Potential" by satellite Sich-2 (IKD, 2012.6.2) As of February 2012 session held on 21 scientific measurements, the data available on the server IKI. EZ Data are presented in physical units, and these NPC and EPC shall be supplementary to the interpretation of ITM. We can already say that in terms of technology TBE "Potential" was held successfully, and sensors SSNI NPC, EPC, and EZ operate normally, the signals of the measurements lie within the expected.
The strategy of the EC "Potential" is a set of statistics. KnAPO will be included in the monitoring mode for a full turn in order to eventually cover the entire globe of the measurements. There will also be made shorter (5 minutes) KnAPO inclusion in the high mode "interesting areas" of the ionosphere.The situation with the spacecraft "Sich-2" (NKAU, 2013.5.22) On 12.12.2012, the link with the spacecraft remote sensing of the Earth "Sich-2" is missing.
Given the evidence, the State Space Agency of Ukraine has set up a special commission to determine the cause of a malfunction in the spacecraft (SC), the results of which the impossibility of further use satellite "Sich-2" in connection with the final loss of power supply.Identification of earthquakes using satellite measurements of ionospheric plasma disturbances (Space Science and Technology, 2016 No.1) Shuvalov, VA, Makarov, AL, Lazuchenkov, DN
We analyze the ionospheric precursors of earthquakes; determine the possibilities of their recording using probing systems of the spacecraft diagnostics equipment. We consider a spacecraft diagnostics equipment designed to record disturbances of the kinetic parameters of ionospheric plasma, electromagnetic radiation, emission of high-energy protons and electrons (ionospheric precursors of earthquakes). It is shown that such a complex may be used in a synchronous mode of instruments operation for detecting earthquakes that emerge along the satellite ground track.Top-10 space achievements of independent Ukraine (Euromaidan Press) 4. Satellites for monitoring environmental and atmospheric conditions: Sich-1, Sich-1M, Sich-2Identification of seismic activity sources on the subsatellite track by ionospheric plasma disturbances detected with the Sich-2 onboard probes (Advances in Space Research, 2017) Valentin A. Shuvalov, Dmitry N. Lazuchenkov, Nikolai B. Gorev, Galina S. Kochubei
Satellite measurements of ionosphere plasma parameter distributions are analyzed. Structure of ionosphere plasma disturbances allows their sources to be identified. Ionosphere plasma parameter orbit distributions allow early earthquake detection.
Newsletter of the project "Potential" № 1 (2011.8.17) Newsletter of the project "Potential" № 2 (2011.10.11) Newsletter of the project "Potential" № 3 (2011.12.2) Newsletter of the project "Potential" № 4 (2011.12.30) Newsletter of the project "Potential" № 5 (2012.1.31) Newsletter of the project "Potential" № 6 (2012.2.29) Newsletter of the project "Potential" № 7 (2012.4.5) Now, we have temporarily suspended enrollment of KnAPO work in monitor mode, because the spacecraft "Sich-2" for technical reasons can not remain in the orientation of the Earth for a long time required for measurement.
Space experiment "Potential" by satellite SICH-2 | Satellite missions for near space exploration (IKD) Sich-2 (eoPortal) | Sich-2 (Russianspaceweb) | Sich-2 (Gunter's Space Page) | Січ-2 (Wikipedia)
Kharkov physicists explore materials satellite "Sich-2" air-tightness and durability. ( Ukraine:: Ukraina run on orbіtu Vlasna suputnik ( Institute of Ionosphere
ウクライナ宇宙庁 (JAXA) National Space Agency of Ukraine ANNUAL REPORT 2009 In 2009 a successful space experiment was conducted on board of Russian space craft «Koronas-Foton» in measuring the flow of electrons and protons by means of «STEP-F» instrument developed in Ukraine. It is expected that discovered flows of low-energy electrons on the altitude of 600 km above Earth surface can become one of effective parameters for monitoring «space weather» (e.g. act as a forerunner of earthquakes).
Preparation for conduction of scientific space experiment «Potential» (scientific program was elaborated and a set of scientific instruments designed and installed on «Sich-2» space craft) was done for observation of physical processes which form «space weather».
It’s anticipated in course of experiment to examine parameters of space environment (neutral, ionized and electric magnetic components) and their connection with crisis phenomena in the atmosphere. It will give an opportunity to make a significant step towards development of disasters monitoring system, which take place in lower atmosphere (hurricanes, movement of powerful weather fronts) and on the surface of Earth (earthquakes, powerful explosions etc.).
A complex of scientific instruments for conduction of scientific experiment on board Russian «Microsatellite» SC was developed with a purpose to explore physical processes during atmospheric lightning discharge which constitute a danger to the crew and passengers of the airplanes due to gamma-radiation so as for detection of connections between lightning discharge intensity and natural/manmade catastrophic phenomena.
Experimental model of photons flow recorder in the ultraviolet spectrum designed for detection of lowfrequency vibrations in the atmosphere after its acoustic disturbance and also for airglow control (phenomena observed during earthquakes) was developed with a purpose to monitor «space weather» by on-ground means. 科学・技術関係(在日ウクライナ大使館) 2010年10月1日、「AVIASVIT-XXI」の宇宙サロンにおいて、「マイクロ/ナノ衛星共同開発事業の実現に関する覚書」が調印された。
* ウクライナ LVIV宇宙科学研究所 開発製造装置リスト(エクスカリバー株式会社) Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union Project “Problem-oriented Processing and Database Creation for Ionosphere Exploration” (POPDAT) started on June 1, 2011. Lviv Center of Institute for Space Research is an initiator of the Project together with Space Research Institute (Kyiv). Efforts of eight organizations from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine are joined in the Project.Ukraine Regional Support Office (UN-Spider) The Ukraine RSO provides products in agriculture and disaster management based on data acquired by Ukrainian Sich-2 and other satellites. It is connected to the World Data System (WDS) through SRI NASU-SSAU.
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МС-2-8 (Yuzhnoye)
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Oleg Ventskovsky [slides]