DEMETER Guest Investigator Workshop
May 2005 Demeter Workshop Presentations
May 2nd, 2005
09h00-09h30 Registration
09h30-09h40 Ultre-Guerard Pascale, Introduction
09h40-10h20 Parrot Michel, The operations onboard DEMETER
・ほぼIWSE 2005での発表内容
10h20-10h50 Lagoutte Dominique, The DEMETER mission center
・EMCをクリーンにする方策として、Indium Tin Oxideセルの採用、(磁気?)緯度±65度以下の観測領域では太陽電池パドルの駆動カット、リアクションホイールを磁気シールド。
・設計寿命(2年)以降はNew altitideで観測する予定。(600km程度)
・Guest Investigatorなら自由に使えるソフトをここからダウンロードできる。連絡はcms@cnrs-orlean.frまで。
10h50-11h10 Coffee break
11h10-11h35 Parrot Michel, The magnetic field experiment IMSC
11h35-12h00 Berthelier Jean-Jacques, The electric field experiment ICE
・電位計ICEの話(ICE, the electric field experiment on DEMETER)
12h00-12h25 Lebreton Jean-Pierre, The Langmuir probe ISL
・電子密度と温度の単位が間違ってるのは私のせいです、とのこと。(On the issue of the surface contamination of a Langmuir. Probe sensor: Demeter ISL results)
12h25-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h25 Sauvaud Jean-Andre, The energetic particle experiment IDP
14h25-14h50 Berthelier Jean-Jacques, The ion spectrometer IAP
14h50-15h15 Pincon Jean-Louis, The neural network, RNF
15h15-15h35 Coffee break
15h35-16h00 Zlotnicki Jacques, Ground-based electromagnetic studies combined with remote sensing based on Demeter mission: a way to monitor Corinth rift zone (Greece)
16h00-16h25 Lognonne Philippe, Ground based GPS tomography of ionospheric post-seismic signal during Demeter: the SPECTRE project
16h25-16h50 Santolik Ondrej, Wave propagation analysis using multi-component wave measurements on board the DEMETER spacecraft
・SWAN: Software for Waveform AnalysisとPRASSADCO
18h30 : Coktail "Aperitif" ice breaker
May 3rd, 2005
09h00-09H20 Revil Andre, Modelling seismoelectromagnetic effects and electrosismology
09h20-09h40 Novoselov Oleg, Earthquake phenomena identification
09h40-10h00 Zafrir Hovav, Current achievements in the combined research of Rn emanation, earth magnetic field variations and the seismo-activity monitoring along the Dead Sea Rift, Israel, as ground truth for space observation
・Geological Survey of Israelの方。シナイ半島では紅海と死海の断層沿いで地震が発生しており、ラドン崩壊に伴うα線とγ線を計測している。0〜3日前にラドン放射(?)
10h00-10h20 Devi Minakshi, Extraction of the earthquake precursors by analysis of ionospheric electron density
10h20-10h40 Coffee break
10h40-11h00 Ouzounov Dimitar, First results of the multi parameter analysis of EM emission during the major earthquakes by using joint near-space satellite and ground based measurements
11h00-11h25 Van Genderen John, The Use of a Data Fusion Approach to Integrate Multiple Earthquake Precursors into a Robust Prediction Methodology (Invited)
ESTAPE: Evaluation for Short-Term and Annual Prediction of Earthquakesなる予測手法。
11h25-11h45 Boudjada Mohammed, Study of two seismic events in the Adriatic region using GPS measurements and ICE data experiment onboard DEMETER micro-satellite
11h45-12h05 Liu Jann-Yenq, Seismo-ionospheric signatures observed by GPS TEC
・たぶんIWSE 2005での発表内容
12h05-12h25 Sarkar Shivalika, Low Latitude Ionospheric Variability Observed By Low Earth Orbiting Satellites
12h25-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h20 Malhotra Kalpana, Seismo-Ionospheric Variations Observed by DEMETER Satellite Over Indian Region.
14h20-14h40 Chum Jaroslav, Study of penetration of lightning induced whistler waves through the ionosphere
14h40-15h00 Hobara Yasuhide, Global thunderstorm activities and their impact on the ionosphere and magnetosphere: View from DEMETER
・Aureol-3データによるIonospheric Turburanceの解析。(これとこれか)震源深さのクライテリアは100kmだが、浅くすると(定量的解析には)データ数が減るとのこと。
15h00-15h20 Coffee break
15h20-15h40 Inan Umran, Coordinated Ground Satellite VLF Wave-particle interaction studies with Demeter
15h40-16h00 Burch Jim, Correlative Investigations using DEMETER and IMAGE
16h00-16h20 Lapenna Vincenzo, Integration and comparison of DEMETER data with EM ground-based and satellite observations in Southern Apennine chain (Italy) and Hellenic arc (Greece).
16h20-16h40 Hattori Katsumi, ULF Electromagnetic Anomaly Associated with Earthquake observed on the ground
16h40-17h00 Kamogawa Masashi, Atmospheric anomalies observed during earthquake occurrences
17h00-17h20 Tramutoli Valerio, Robust TIR Satellite Techniques for monitoring the Earthquake active regions: improvements expected by the integration with DEMETER and ground based observations
May 4th, 2005
09h00-09h20 Blecki Jan, Ionospheric perturbations associated with selected Earthquakes registered by the DEMETER satellite.
・Space Research Centerの人。ポーランドでも地震予知は少数派とか。CNRSとは協力の歴史あり。
09h20-09h40 Sgrigna Vittorio, Description and Testing of ARINA and LAZIO/EGLE instruments in Space within the ESPERIA mission project and the DEMETER Guest Investigation Programme
09h40-10h10 Molchanov Oleg, Transionospheric VLF sounding using Alpha transmitters and DEMETER reception during Asian Earthquakes
10h10-10h30 Nemec Frantisek, Statistical study of ELF/VLF emissions; man-made effects and seismic activity
・鴨川さんが悔しくて感激して泣いた定量的解析。Mが大きくなると前兆も大きくなり、post-seismic effectのほうが(pre-seismicより)でかい。
10h30-10h50 Coffee break
10h50-11h20 Batanov Oleg, On-Line Analytical Processing and Data Mining System for DEMETER mission
11h20-11h40 Cyamukungu Mathias, DEMETER/SEVEM/RABEM Project at the Center for Space Radiations
11h40-12h00 Lefeuvre Francois, On the elaboration of data bases for the study of the low latitude ionospheric turbulence observed by DEMETER
12h00-14h00 Lunch
14h00-14h20 Parrot Michel, Introduction to the general discussion
14h20-16h00 General Discussion on the DEMETER data processing
16h00 End of the workshop
Schwingenschuh Konrad, A statistical study of combined DEMETER and ULF/ELF ground based magnetic field observations during seismic events in the adriatic region from August 2004 until February 2005.
Kanwar, R. et al., First results from Demeter stations related to the volcanic activity of La Fournaise volcano.
Tarits Pascal, Resistivity sounding using VLF DEMETER data: a test study.