International Workshop on Early Warning and Monitoring Earthquake by Using Electromagnetism Detecting Satellite (AP-MCSTA) China National Space Administration (CNSA) and National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN) jointly held "International Workshop on Early Warning and Monitoring Earthquake by Using Electromagnetism Detecting Satellite" in Jakarta, Indonesia, on July 25-27, 2007. The Secretariat of Asia-Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications (AP-MCSTA) is the co-organizer of the workshop. Mr. Luo Ge, Vice Administrator of CNSA and Secretary General of AP-MCSTA, and Mr. Adi Sadewo Salatun, Chairman of LAPAN, were present the opening ceremony as the co-chairmen of the workshop; the representatives of U.N. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP) and United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN-OOSA) delivered speeches at the opening ceremony.The Third APSCO International Symposium on Earthquake Monitoring and Early Warning by Using Space Technology Earthquake monitoring and early warning is a vital issue being faced by the Asia-Pacific Region due to geographical position and geological structure of this region. The Third APSCO International Symposium on Earthquake Monitoring and Early Warning by Using Space Technology was organized to address this issue with a specific emphasis on rapid earthquake detection and notification by use of space technology for earthquake monitoring. This Symposium was organized in Beijing, China from 13 to 15 September 2011 by APSCO Secretariat jointly with MIIT of China. It was supported by UN-OOSA, UN-SPIDER Beijing Office, CNSA, China Earthquake Administration, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, and sponsored by the Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration, DFH Satellite Co. Ltd, China Great Wall Industry Corporation, and China Research Institute of Radio Wave Propagation.
* Report: APSCO Third International Symposium on Earth Quake Monitoring and Early Warning by Using Space Technology (Parviztarikhi's Blog)APSCO Expert Group Meetings 2012-9-3 The Expert Group Meetings on (1) Research on Determining Precursor Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquakes by Ground based Ionospheric Sounding and (2) Electromagnetic Satellite Payload for Earthquake Prediction and its Applications were held in Beijing, China: 25-29 June 2012. Delegates from seven Member States of APSCO participated in the meeting, including: People’s Republic of Bangladesh, People’s Republic of China, Mongolia, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Peru, the Kingdom of Thailand and Republic of Turkey.
The project proposals from APSCO Member States were presented and discussed during the meeting. The objectives were defined for the project of Research on Determining Precursor Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquakes by Ground based Ionospheric Sounding. And the project proposals on Electromagnetic Satellite Payload for Earthquake Prediction and its Applications were prioritized by the experts according to their interests.
Electromagnetic Satellite Payload for Earthquake Prediction and Its Applications Project | DPISE Project 2012-10-23 Earthquake Payload Project aimed to develop a payload for the purpose of scientific study and research on ionospheric characteristic and seismo-electromagnetic effects in ionosphere. The main objectives of the payload include: (a) identify seismic precursory information of electromagnetism, ionosphere and explore the mechanism; (b) obtain world-wide data of electromagnetic field and ionosphere.
In order to assess the current status of the research, a symposium on Earthquake Monitoring through Using Space Technology was organized from 13 to 15 September, 2011 in Beijing, China.地震预测研究所代表参与亚太空间合作组织系列活动 2012-12-25 12月3日由APSCO和联合国减灾署(UNSPIDER)共同主办的“地震遥感监测与应急评估应用培训班”在北京航空航天大学开幕。应APSCO特别邀请,申旭辉研究员向来自各成员国的学员做了题为“卫星地震应用的现状与展望”的主报告,全面介绍了空间技术在地震构造调查、地震监测预测和应急响应方面的应用研究现状以及我国首颗地震电磁卫星的推进情况,并就卫星地震应用的发展趋势和若干重点关键科学技术问题进行了评述。
* UN-SPIDER supports APSCO Training course on Earthquake MonitoringExpert Group Meeting on the project of Research on Determining Precursor Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquakes by Ground based Ionospheric Sounding The 1st Expert Group Meeting on the project of Research on Determining Precursor Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquakes by Ground based Ionospheric Sounding was conducted in June 2012. To determine the viability of the Feasibility Study Report, the 2nd Expert Group Meeting is planned from 19 to 21 March 2013 at APSCO Headquarters, Beijing, China.
Ground-based ionospheric monitoring in the Asia-Pacific region and seismic disturbance characteristics (Xuemin zhang)2013年3月19日至20日,亚太合作组织专家组会议在北京APSCO总部召开(中国地震電離層監測試験網) 会议对预测所张学民研究员前期申报的“亚太地区地基电离层监测网建设及地震电离层扰动特征研究”项目进行了现场讨论,落实各参与国现有电离层监测技术及资料共享信息。2013年3月21日,亚太空间合作组织成员国专家一行八人于来我所开展学术交流和实地考察。APSCO activities on space-based disaster risk management United Nations International Conference on Space-based Technologies
23rd-25th October, 2013Turkey keen on space cooperation with China Dec 05, 2013 "TUBITAK has long been working with China in developing space projects and has enjoyed continuous support from Beijing for its ongoing programs. APSCO is an important agency in facilitating our cooperation," Haliloglu said.
One of the important projects that TUBITAK has been working with China is the earthquake prediction.
"TUBITAK gets support from China in studying the ionic activities in the ionosphere to predict earthquakes," Haliloglu said.Role of Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organization in Space-based Disaster Risk Management United Nations International Conference on Space‐based Technologies for Disaster Management “Multi‐hazard Disaster Risk Assessment”
15-17 Sept, 2014, Beijing, China
Iran joins APSCO project to predict earthquakes (MNA, 10/21/2014) TEHRAN, Oct. 20 (MNA) - President of the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) has said Iran will join earthquake prediction project using ionosphere satellites.
Hamid Fazeli told Mehr News that the project would be a joint venture of Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) 8 member states. “The joint cooperation was passed by APSCO and it is underway; the project studying components in ionosphere layer in earth’s space using satellites revolving around the earth; the layer components would catch earthquake waves before it happens, thus making its prediction a reality,” Fazeli said.
“Many countries have launched projects of this sort to facilitate possible earthquakes,” said the ISA president. “Iran will conduct parts of the project individually and some other parts in cooperation with APSCO members,” he added.
1st CSES satellite workshop
Validation of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling (LAIMC) (ISSI Beijing 2015/06/16)
The 8th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium APSCO Cooperative Activities and Projects | China Integrated Earth Observation System(2016-2025)
The Critical Design Review Meeting (APSCO) The Critical Design Review (CDR) Meeting of Research on Determining Precursor Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquakes by Ground Based Ionospheric Soundings Project was successfully held in Beijing from 15th-16th October, 2015. APSCO Delegates and PMB members headed by Dr. Maqbool Ahmad Chaudhry, the Director-general of the Strategic Planning and Program Management Department, APSCO, were fully engaged in this activity. This Critical Review consolidated the progress of the Research on Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquake. With the requested upgrades of Documents of CDR achieved, this milestone would be closed out and the next phase of acceptance review would be started accordingly.
APSCO- The Space Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region (APRSAF-22) Electromagnetic Satellite Payload for Earthquake Prediction: Feasibility Study
Research on Determining Precursor Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquakes by Ground Based Ionospheric Sounding: Preparation for ImplementationThe Final Review Meeting of the Data Center for the Research on Determining Precursor Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquakes by Ground Based Ionospheric Sounding Project 2016-6-28 The Final Acceptance Review Meeting was successfully held in the Institute of Crustal Dynamics of China Earthquake Administration (ICD, CEA), Beijing on 27th June, 2016. Dr. Manop Aorpimai, Director General, Mrs. Byambasuren Erdenee, Senior Official and Mrs. Charis Xiong, Project Manager, of Strategic Planning & Project Management Department of APSCO, Prof. Hong Chen, Deputy Director of ICD, CEA, Prof. Xuemin Zhang, Research Director of IES, CEA, Dr. Jianping Huang, Associate Professor of ICD, CEA, Mr. Zhiyuan Zhou, Project Manager of Beijing Zhihongjichang Co. and Mrs. Minmin Tian, Software Engineer of Beijing Zhihongjichang Co. attended this meeting.
Mrs. Minmin Tian made the report on the contract executives and Mr. Zhiyuan Zhou provided the training on using the internet interface of the data center to all participants. After that, all participants were led to visit the computer room in ICD, CEA, Mr. Zhiyuan Zhou demonstrated the operation of the hardware and software. According to the Procurement Contract signed by Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization and Beijing Zhi Hong Ji Chang Tech. Co., Ltd., all installed deliverable items stipulated in the Contract are confirmed and accepted.我所承担的亚太空间合作组织项目开展数据信息共享平台验收 2016-6-30 2016年6月27日,亚太空间合作组织在我所综合楼召开“基于地基电离层探测的地震电离层前兆研究”项目数据信息共享平台研发验收评审会。亚太空间合作组织战略计划和项目管理部部长Manop Aorpimai、资深项目经理Byambasuren Erdenee和项目经理Charis Xiong,我所陈虹副所长和申旭辉总工,项目负责人张学民研究员以及研发单位北京志宏济昌公司的代表出席了本次评审会。会议由亚太空间合作组织项目经理Charis Xiong主持。
Manop Aorpimai部长代表亚太空间合作组织表达了对北京志宏济昌公司研发的数据信息共享平台的认可,对地壳所在项目管理和日常工作的支持表示感谢。
陈虹副所长代表我所对Manop Aorpimai等人的到来表示欢迎,对亚太空间合作组织的信任表示感谢。她简单介绍了研究所的历史和现状,对项目的后续工作提出了两点意见。一是十室负责要将网站维护好,及时更新相关内容;二是项目组要与亚太空间合作组织保持密切联系,确认后续工作计划,实现二期项目的滚动发展。亚太空间合作组织实施通过地基电离层探测确定地震先期电离层特征研究项目 2016-07-28 2013年7月,亚太空间合作组织理事会第七次会议批准“通过地基电离层探测确定地震先期电离层特征研究项目”为基本活动,由中国牵头负责实施。2015年4月,该项目成功召开启动会并完成项目评审,10月,完成关键设计评审。此外,去年以来,中国地震局为该项目建立了地基电离层监测及信息共享平台(GIMISP),目前,该平台已投入试运行。为整合成员国所有地基电离层监测资源和信息共享数据,中国地震局起草了项目牵头单位与各成员国开展数据共享的协议草案,并与蒙古、秘鲁、泰国等国完成了协议签署,与其他国家的协议签署工作目前正在进一步协调推进中。后续,拟于2016年10月利用各成员国提供的数据开展地基电离层探测及信息共享平台测试准备评审工作。我国积极推动亚太空间合作组织项目实施 2016-07-29
The 2nd International Workshop of China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) Mission
The 1st Space Science School on How to Design a Space Science Mission October 17-26, 2016 Taiwan's Past, Present, and Future Space Science Program
Tiger J.Y. Liu (劉 正彥) Institute of Space Science, National Central University
APSCO's states past, present, and future space science program
WU Ji National Space Science Center (NSSC, CAS), Beijing, ChinaThe 23rd Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-23) November 15-18, 2016 APSCO - The Space Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region
Ms. Xiong Qian (Charis) Project Manager Department of Strategic Planning and Program ManagementUnited Nations/United Arab Emirates - High Level Forum: Space as a Driver for Socio-Economic Sustainable Development 20 - 24 November 2016 Space Cooperation is a Benefit Multiplier
Prof. Dr. Li XinjunVLF radio wave anomalies associated with the 2010 Ms 7.1 Yushu earthquake 7 March 2017 Xuhui Shen, Zeren Zhima, Shufan Zhao, Geng Qian, Qing Ye, Yuri Ruzhin第102回CRCC研究会「飛躍的発展段階に入った中国の宇宙開発」 2017年3月17日 辻野 照久 科学技術振興機構研究開発戦略センター(CRDS)特任フェローChallenges of Capacity-Building in a Multi-State Environment United Nations/Austria Symposium Graz, 3-7 September 2017 Mohammad Ebrahimi Seyedabadi Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO)International Training Course on Integration of Multisource Earth Observation Data for Disaster Damage Assessment The Secretariat of APSCO organized the 'International Training Course on Integration of Multisource Earth Observation Data for Disaster Damage Assessment' jointly with the National Disaster Reduction Center of China (NDRCC), UNOOSA/UN-SPIDER and Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (China) (affiliated to the United Nations) from 25 to 31 October 2017. This training was an extended event back to back with the United Nations International Conference on Space-based Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction – “Building Resilience through Integrated Applications” which was successfully organized from 23 to 25 October, 2017.UN/UAE High Level Forum on Space as a Driver for Sustainable Development Realizing SPACE 2030 Through Multi-Lateral Cooperation Prof. Dr. Li Xinjun
APSCO Successfully Completed the First Cooperative Project: the “Earthquake Project” 14-17 November 2017 The Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization organized the Final Review Meeting of the Research on Determining Precursor Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquakes by Ground Based Ionoshperic Sounding Project, on Nov 14-17, 2017 at Lijiang, China. Experts from Bangladesh, China, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru, Thailand and Turkey attended this Meeting. Dr. Li Xinjun, Secretary-General of APSCO, gave a welcome speech on behalf of the Secretariat. He welcomed all the participants and thanked everyone for their participation in the Meeting. The “Earthquake Project” is marked as the first completion of APSCO cooperative project, which is a milestone for APSCO for promoting global-scale cooperative activities and bring mutual benefits to all Member States. By implementing this project, the Ground-Based Ionospheric Monitoring and Information Sharing Platform (APSCO GIMI) has been maturely established, the dedicated web portal with Ionospheric monitoring data processing and analysis tools has been equipped, and real-time users interaction capability is realized. APSCO Member States are now firmly linked into the Network, and ready for joint observations, investigation and sharing of their knowledge on seismo-ionospheric activity.
All participating experts acknowledged and appreciated the efforts on the Project Summary Report given by Project Lead, CEA, China. The board members reached a common agreement on the success of this Final Review Meeting. Since the CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite) will be launched in February 2018 and the data will be shared among member states, it is suggested by all the participants that the second phase of the project is strongly recommended. APSCO values and appreciates the hard work, contribution, great efforts and continuous support from participants of the meeting.
* 地壳所承担的亚太空间合作组织项目“基于地基电离层观测的地震电离层前兆特征研究”通过验收 | Üniversitemiz Asya-Pasifik Uzay İşbirliği Organizasyonunda Ülkemizi Temsil EttiThe First Expert Group Meeting on Feasibility Study Report of APSCO Earthquake Signature Project Phase II 4-6 July, 2018 The First Expert Group Meeting on Feasibility Study Report of APSCO Earthquake Signature Project Phase II was held during 4-6 July, 2018 in Beijing, China. Delegates from all Member States of APSCO participated in the meeting, including Bangladesh, China, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru, Thailand and Turkey.
Dr. Xinjun Li, Secretary General of APSCO gave a welcome speech. He welcomed all participants of the meeting and appreciated the support from Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration (ICD, CEA) for establishing the Ground-based Ionospheric Monitoring and Information Sharing Platform (GIMI Platform) in Phase I of this project. He also emphasized the Compatibility, Comprehensiveness and Crowd-funding (3C Principle) as a guideline for this project.
* 地壳所牵头的亚太地震二期项目可行性研究报告通过专家组评估APSCO plans to share satellite data info 2018-11-15 He said that over the past decade, APSCO had built six cooperative networks, including the Data Sharing Service Platform Network, Space Segment Network and Inter-Connection of Ground Systems, Ground-Based Space Object Observation Network, Disaster Monitoring and Management Network, Space Application Network, and Education and Training Network.
Through the Data Sharing Service Platform Network, more than 8,000 satellite images have been provided to APSCO members for a wide range of applications, including research, disaster management, as well as environmental monitoring and assessment, with all data from China’s nine Earth observation satellites free of charge.
APSCO has also initiated 13 cooperative projects, with one for studying earthquake precursors in the ionosphere and another for observing space objects with ground-based optical facilities reporting completion of first-phase construction.
* 张衡一号卫星将帮助APSCO成员国监测地震电磁 | 《亚太空间合作组织2030年发展愿景》在京发布 将加强空间领域的国际合作 | 習主席、APSCO設立10周年に祝賀メッセージThe IAF’s role in support of APSCO as a bridge between Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world On 14 – 15 November 2018, IAF President, Dr. Jean-Yves Le Gall and IAF Executive Director, Dr. Christian Feichtinger addressed the audience of the APSCO 10th Anniversary High Level Forum & 9th International Symposium in Beijing, China. These meetings offer a first opportunity to convey the IAF’s role in support of APSCO as a bridge between the Asia-Pacific region and the broader global arena.
The Ground-based Ionospheric Monitoring and Information Sharing Platform (GIMISP) Of The Research on Determining Precursor Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquakes by Ground Based Ionospheric Sounding (Earthquake) Project (APSCO) APSCO联合多任务小卫星星座 (China Spaceflight)
Technology Resources for Earthquake Monitoring and Response (TREMOR) (ISU SSP07) STAR計画: Satellite Technology For The Asia-Pacific Region (APRSAF) 【東日本大震災】 私はこうみる 中国・地震台ネットワークセンター地震予知部 劉傑・主任(産経, 2011.3.26) 私は中国政府で地震予知を担当している。現在の技術では政府と国民の期待に応えることが難しく、大変なプレッシャーがあるが、日本の先輩方が残した研究成果に助けられたところは多い。しかし、1つ残念に思う点は、1995年の阪神大震災以降、日本は以前と比べて地震予知分野に力を入れなくなり、主な研究方向が地震対策に変わったことだ。阪神大震災を予知できなかったことを受け、日本政府は資金をもっと実用的な分野にシフトしたことが理由だと考える。
しかし、地震を事前に察知し、民衆に知らせて避難を呼びかけることは地震の被害を縮小する最善の方法だ。確かに大変難しいことだが、研究しなければ私たちは永遠に進歩しないし、そこに到達しない。技術と人材を持つ日本は今後、地震予知分野にもっと力を入れ、私たちと一緒にこの人類に幸福をもたらす難関に挑戦してほしいと考える。Technology: Asia's space race Nature, 08 December 2011 Some senior Japanese officials now state that space-based weapons are conceivable for the nation, provided they are 'defensive' in nature. Japan recently announced a boost in its military space spending ― for reconnaissance and early warning ― despite ongoing budget woes after the earthquake and tsunami in March.中国の宇宙開発事情(その7)APSCO SciencePortal China 2013年2月14日 表7-1 APSCOの主要プロジェクト(FS=フィージビリティスタディ):
中国が2014年(原文ママ)に打上げを予定している地震電磁波観測小型衛星に搭載するペイロード及び応用プロジェクトに機器開発・データ受信で参加。AOGS Small Satellite Payload Task Group (2013~)