本ページの内容はHow far along are we in Understanding Pre-Earthquake Signals? を和訳したものです。
フリードマン T. フロインド
SETI研究所 カールセーガンセンター 主任研究員
NASA Ames Research Center, MS 242-4
MOFFETT FIELD, CA 94035-1000
Tel (at NASA) 650 604-5183
Tel (at CSC) 650 810-0218
Cell 650 279-8478
e-mail ffreund@mail.arc.nasa.gov
(i) 地上100~300km上空の電離層擾乱
(ii) 地表面から約1000mまでの高さの大気中の変化
(iii) 夜間衛星画像で見える震央域からの赤外線放射増加
(iv) 世界中で記録された超低周波の電磁放射
(v) ローカルな磁場変化
(vi) 奇妙な動物行動
(vii) その他…
鍵は火成岩が圧力にかけられるとき、休止状態の電荷キャリアが活性化するという発見です。 この起動プロセスの結果として、圧力を加えられた岩石がバッテリーとなって電流が流れ出すということです(Freund and Sornette, 2007; Freund et al., 2006)。
これらの電流はかなり強い場合があります。 実験室データによると、圧力を加えられたあらゆる立方キロメートルの岩石は、長時間にわたって1万から10万アンペアに達する電流を流すことができます。更に驚くべきことに、これらの電流は厚い層の岩石を通して流れることができます。この電荷キャリアは、緩く固く締まった砂や土を通り抜けることができます。水によって止められません。おそらく1kmから10km単位の距離を流れます。
この電荷キャリアは実験室の岩石表面に、そしておそらく地球表面にも正の帯電を発生させます。この帯電は電離層に影響を与えるとともに、広く報告された地震前電離層擾乱につながるほど強いかもしれません(Liu et al., 2006)。
この電荷キャリアは、微小な領域ですが大変に強い電場を表面に発生させます。それは空気をイオン化させるのに十分な強度です(Freund, 2003)。大気中の水蒸気圧が適正な範囲であれば、大気イオンは水滴の凝縮を引き起こし、雲を形成します。表面へ流れる電荷キャリアの数が増加すれば、可視光と広帯域の電波雑音の放出につながるスパークとコロナ放電が発生します(Freund, 2002)。
表面でこの電荷キャリアが再結合すると、熱振動する励起状態の“熱い”原子を形成します。それらは、中間赤外光子のスペクトルを放射することにより脱励起します(Freund et al., 2007)。この新たに発見された放射プロセスは、衛星の赤外線画像で夜間に観測される不思議な地震前兆“熱異常”の原因かもしれません。
Freund, F.T. 2002. Charge generation and propagation in rocks. Journal of Geodynamics, 33: 545-572.
Freund, F.T., 2003. Rocks that crackle and sparkle and glow - Strange pre-earthquake phenomena. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 17: 37-71.
Freund, F.T. and Sornette, D., 2007. Electromagnetic earthquake bursts and critical rupture of peroxy bond networks in rocks. Tectonophysics, 431: 33-47.
Freund, F.T., Takeuchi, A. and Lau, B.W., 2006. Electric currents streaming out of stressed igneous rocks - A step towards understanding pre-earthquake low frequency EM emissions. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 31: 389-396.
Freund, F.T. et al., 2007. Stimulated thermal IR emission from rocks: Assessing a stress indicator. eEarth, 2: 1-10.
Liu, J.Y. et al., 2006. Seismo-geomagnetic anomalies and M5.0 earthquakes observed in Taiwan during 1988-2001. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 31: 215-222.
Acknowledgement: I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Friedemann T. Freund and Dr. Ronald Karel who permits reprinting, and Dr. Akihiro Takeuchi who checked the translation.
And more
Earthquake Prediction Is Worthy of Study (EOS, Vol. 80, No. 20, 18 May 1999)
Temperature rises hint at earthquake prediction (New Scientist, 14 December 2001)
Positive Holes (p-holes) and Positive Hole Pairs (PHP): Key to Understanding Many Pre-Earthquake Phenomena (International Workshop on Earthquake Precursors 2002)
Voices featuring Friedemann Freund (SETI, July 22, 2003)
Anticipating Earthquakes|和訳 (Science@NASA, August 11, 2003)
Stress-Induced Changes in the Electrical Conductivity of Igneous Rocks and the Generation of Ground Currents (TAO, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2004)
Cracking the Code of Pre-Earthquake Signals (Space.com, 20 October 2005)
Earthquake Alarm|print (IEEE Spectrum, Dec 2005)
Granite batteries|.doc (The Economist, Dec 14th 2005)
Sense Of Danger - How Animals Anticipate Disaster (EIKON Media) | Sense Of Danger - How Animals Anticipate Disaster -
Friedemann Freund on Earthquake Prediction|friedemann-KTVU.mov (SETI Institute, March 7, 2006) Bright lights, big quake?|地震予知は可能か--注目される地震直前の岩石の動き (CNET News.com, April 15 2006)
Top Research Experts Lined Up for Earthquake Discussion (Earth Changes Newsletter, May 3rd 2006)
When the Earth Speaks: Understanding Pre-Earthquake Signals (PARC Forum, August 10, 2006)
KaleidaGraph helps researchers at the SETI Institute investigate groundbreaking earthquake research (KaleidaGraph)
地震調査の画期的研究 - KaleidaGraphがSETIの研究者を支援(HULINKS)Time-resolved study of charge generation and propagation(北海道大学地震火山センター雑誌会)
Sources of Electromagnetic Signals (Quakefinder)
Freund gives radio interview on earthquake prediction research (NASA Ames Research Center)
→Science Moving Ever Closer to Identifying Earth's Core Connection to Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Earth Changes Media, Dec 29, 2006)
SETI Institute Science Day 2006 (Part 1 of 6) (YouTube)
Ames Scientist Studies Pre Earthquake Behavior (NASA Ames Research Center)
Sources of Electromagnetic Signals | quakefinder (YouTube)
NHESS - Volume 7, Number 5, 2007
Pre-earthquake signals – Part I: Deviatoric stresses turn rocks into a source of electric currents
Pre-earthquake signals – Part II: Flow of battery currents in the crust
Theory and Applications of Electromagnetic and Thermal Anomalies During Earthquakes II (AGU, 2007)
After Quake, Attention Grows On Early-Warning Systems
That doesn't discourage Dr. Freund, who is 75 years old. He has invested $1 million of savings held by him and his wife, the novelist Hisako Matsubara, in his research, he said. Their son, Minoru Freund, is the director of the Center for Advanced Aerospace Materials and Devices at the NASA Ames Center in nearby Mountain View, Calif., and has worked with his father on his theories. The pair hope that satellites could help them take their theories to the next step.Source: After Quake, Attention Grows On Early-Warning Systems (Wall Street Journal, 2008.5.20)
Dimitar Ouzounov, the NASA scientist who sent the Sichuan email, was studying thermal patterns as part of his work on atmospheric changes ahead of earthquakes. His research competes with that of Dr. Freund but is predicated on the same concept: that it could be possible to warn that quakes are coming.
Plan for quake 'warning system'
The team at Nasa has also been working with Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) in the UK, to investigate the feasibility of a satellite-based early warning system. Stuart Eves, head of business development at the company, told BBC News: "The evidence suggests we're now crossing the boundary in terms of technology readiness."Source: Plan for quake 'warning system' (BBC, 2008.6.5)
Earthquake warning theory draws criticism (ABC)
NASA Ames Researchers Work On Quake Warning System (CBS5)
NASA Caught Early Signs of China Quake (Discovery News)
Cracking the Earthquake Code (Science Notes 2008)
日本列島ここが危ない!地震は予知できる緊急スペシャル(近未来×予測テレビ ジキル&ハイド) around 3:34
CITRIS Distinguished Speaker: Friedemann Freund from NASA (CITRIS)
Breaking new ground (physicsworld.com, Jan. 5, 2009) Recently, though, the USGS appears to have had a change of heart: it has invited Freund to give a talk next month. However, for the man who has made such a huge personal and financial commitment to his work, entering what he calls “the lion’s den” is not a matter of pride but the sole opportunity to mend the perceived fault line separating his work from established science, and perhaps give stability to the many millions of people living on uncertain ground.
Towards a Unified Theory for Pre-Earthquake Signals
Seminar hosted by the Earthquake Hazards Team, U. S. Geological Survey, Feb. 04, 2009
Why Can't We Predict Earthquakes? (BBC, 24 Mar 2009)
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite, Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO)
Earthquake prediction: Gone and back again (EARTH Magazine, 07 Apr 2009) Detecting Earthquakes Before They Strike (Space.com, 23 April 2009) Previously Overlooked/Ignored Electronic Charge Carriers in Rocks (Venus White Papers for the Next Decadal Study, Sept. 15, 2009)
Toward a unified solid state theory for pre-earthquake signals (Acta Geophysica Volume 58, Number 5, 2010) Pre-earthquake signals: Underlying physical processes (Journal of Asian Earth Sciences)
Do earthquakes give off warning signals? (ABC) Russian scientist Dimitar Ouzounov says stresses on the Earth's crust leading up to a quake cause gases like radon to escape into the atmosphere -- 100 miles above the Earth they ionize and create heat that is detectable by satellites. Ouzounov's team says out of 24 quakes in Japan of magnitude 7 or greater, all showed the same atmospheric signals beforehand.
The NASA Russian team's data on the 24 Japan quakes will be released late this year.
『震撼地6感』動物予測地震大解密科学実験現微兆 (PTS, 2012.3.9)
Seeking out Earth's warning signals (Nature, 26 May 2011) Any good seismologist will recognize the limitations of earthquake prediction. But the study of earthquakes should include the tracking down and investigation of all the different signals that Earth produces before a catastrophic rupture. If seismologists can't do it alone, can't we do it collectively across disciplines?Friedemann Freund — The Future of forecasting Earthquakes (SETI)
Emergency visits prior to the Magnitude 7.5 Chuya earthquake in Siberia. September 27, 2003. A. Shitov, 2010SCEC-NASA Workshop: Evaluating Ground-Based and Space-Based Methods of Earthquake Forecasting Key to Understanding Pre-Earthquake PhenomenaLiving with a Star - dangerously (SETI)
How animals predict earthquakes (BBC) The team's findings are published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. In this paper, they describe a mechanism whereby stressed rocks in the Earth's crust release charged particles that react with the groundwater.
Animals that live in or near groundwater are highly sensitive to any changes in its chemistry, so they might sense this days before the rocks finally "slip" and cause a quake.
The team, led by Friedemann Freund from Nasa and Rachel Grant from the UK's Open University hope their hypothesis will inspire biologists and geologists to work together, to find out exactly how animals might help us recognise some of the elusive signs of an imminent earthquake.Earthquake forecasting & space resources | blog (The Space Show)
Dr Stuart Eves: Microsatellite Ionospheric Network in Orbit, In tribute to Mino Freund 1962-2012
Electric Currents Due to Stress-Activated Positive Hole Charge Carriers in Ice (August 1, 2012) Electric Properties of Water Ice doped with Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2): Implications for Icy Moons such as Europa (AGU Fall Meeting, 2012)
Earthquake forewarning — A multidisciplinary challenge from the ground up to space (Acta Geophysica, August 2013) Dedicated to the memory of Minoru M. FreundBreaking Peroxy Bonds in H20 Ice Doped with H202 to Create Positive Hole Charge Carriers (August 1, 2013) 2013 NASA Ames Virtual Poster Fair - List by Organization: Code SEarthquake Forecasting from a Distinctly Non-Seismic Perspective (EPFL, 11 November 2013) Earthquake Forecasting from a Global and Multidisciplinary Perspective: Science, Technology and Economics (ETH Risk Center, Nov. 14, 2013) Electric Response of Hydrogen Peroxide–doped Water Ices: an Analog Study for Positive Hole Currents in Rocks (AGU Fall Meeting, 2013)
Prevalence of Earthquake Lights Associated with Rift Environments (Seismological Research Letters, 2014) Robert Thériault, France St‐Laurent, Friedemann T. Freund and John S. Derr* Earthquake lights linked to rift zones (Nature) | 地震前の謎の発光現象、ついに解明か? (National Geographic News) | Moses' burning bush explained? The mysterious physics behind earthquake lights (Friedemann T. Freund, The Conversation)
Electronic supplement to Prevalence of earthquake lights associated with rift environments
Can animals predict earthquakes? (The Economist, 2014) But as well as monitoring migrations, ICARUS will also be used to look for unusual movements of animals. Martin Wikelski, a professor of ornithology involved with the project, explains that ICARUS will test for the first time whether flying animals can be used as "intelligent sensors" of impending earthquakes.
Birds and bats might serve the purpose because of their ability to detect magnetic fields. This capability probably helps the creatures navigate –but it could also allow them to sense earthquakes before they strike.
Since the late 1990s, it has been known that fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field occur before some earthquakes. The reason why, however, had eluded seismologists until the early 2000s, when a bizarre new property of rocks was discovered.
The underlying cause of all earthquakes is the build-up of stress in subsurface rocks—invisible at the Earth's surface. But laboratory tests carried out in 2002, by NASA’s Friedemann Freund, revealed that the stresses which lead to earthquakes can be detected electromagnetically.東日本大震災から 3 年~地震予知最前線スペシャル~ (Mr. Sunday, 2014.3.9)
SG Highlights for March 17 - April 18, 2014 Friedemann Freund briefed NASA Ames Center Director Pete Worden April 11 on the Global Earthquake Forecasting System, together with Patrick Hogan, WorldWind Program Manager, and Kevin Montgomery, CEO of Intelesense, Inc. The Global Earthquake Forecasting System will consist of two major components: a ground station component and a satellite component. For the ground station component, we already have teams set up for forming in over ten seismically active regions (Alaska, Quebec, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Peru, Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Turkey and India). For the space component NASA Ames is already talking to and collaborating with LuxSpace in Luxembourg. (4/18/14)
GeoCosmo Earthquake Forecast System Geophysicists Discover How Rocks Produce Magnetic Pulses (June 3, 2014)
Could Pulses in Earth's Magnetic Field Forecast Earthquakes? (June 6, 2014)
2014 Conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS '14) (12-14 November 2014, ESRIN) Invited Session "Data Visualization and Analytics"
Chairs: P. Hogan, M. Brovelli
Keynote Talk 2: Global Earthquake Forecasting System
K. Montgomery, F. Freund, P. Hogan (Intelesense, NASA)International Geo-Hazards Research Society 2014 (Dec. 10, 2014) Day 1 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Friedemann FreundPredicting earthquakes: The chickens are restless (The Economist, 2015) SEISMOLOGISTS tend to greet the idea that some animals know when an earthquake is coming with a sizeable degree of scepticism. Though reports of odd animal behaviour before a quake date back at least as far as ancient Greece, the data are all anecdotal. They are also subject to vagaries of the human psyche: “confirmation bias” ensures that strange behaviour not followed by earthquakes gets forgotten, and “flashbulb memory” can, should an earthquake strike, imbue quotidian animal antics with great import after the fact. The US Geological Survey―arguably the world’s authority on earthquakes―undertook studies in the 1970s to find out if animals really did predict them, but came up empty-handed. However, the latest data, just published in Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, are not just anecdotal.Project Based Learning To Establish A Global Earthquake Forecast System (Geomatics Workbooks n° 12 – "FOSS4G Europe Como 2015") Ron Fortunato, Levi PurdyGeocosmo Science Research Center (Crowdrise) SU Global Summit | Congratulations to GeoCosmo, GGC Awards Recipient GEOCOSMO* Geocosmo can forecast earthquakes weeks in advance - winner of Singularity University Grand challenge with Disaster Resilience (Next Big Future)
Who we are: GeoCosmo's team has predicted 20 of 20 earthquakes up to seven days in advance to the hour (19 of 20) and one four hours in advance since 2015.
Earthquakes kill the unsuspecting. Earthquakes destroy property. There are over 2 billion people living in highly seismic regions. Every major earthquake is preceded by measurable pre-earthquake (pre-EQ) signals, typically days, sometimes weeks before the main shocks. GeoCosmo and its network of NASA and academic researchers around the globe have measured these bursts of airborne ions and have successfully forecast 20 of 20 earthquakes over the past eighteen months.
Our Mission: Saving 10,000's of lives each yearPeruano #JorgeHeraud como speaker en el #GSummit @singularityu @pucp Director del #INRAS #Peru #Ciencia #GeoCosmo pic.twitter.com/7ARCpgZB5G
— Jaime Sotomayor (@jaimersb) 2016年8月29日Arria NLG and GeoCosmo Sciences Partner to Harness Natural Language Generation for Earthquake Forecasting NEW YORK, Sept. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Arria NLG (AIM: NLG), a world leader in artificial intelligence ("AI") and natural language generation ("NLG"), and GeoCosmo Sciences SPC ("GeoCosmo"), a global project based out of NASA's Ames Research Park in California, is pleased to announce a partnership to build precision NLG capabilities into the GeoCosmo Earthquake Forecasting Service™ to improve communication and advance notification of the deadliest natural disasters.Proud to support #TEDxChCh w/ former @NASA senior scientist Dr Friedman,an expert in #earthquake detection #GeoCosmo https://t.co/n9rQ6L9spg
— US Embassy NZ (@usembassynz) 2016年9月13日NASA World Wind Europa Challange First Place Winners!!! Earthquake Signal Precursors (ESP) Trillium Learning & Kodiak Island Borough District
Students acquire precursor earthquake data from sensor arrays and develop real-time data visualization models utilizing NASA WebWorldWind. The data server resides within A World Bridge Project server in Kodiak, Alaska. This team is developing ground station technology platforms, which acquire continuous magnetic field information at 50Hz from remote locations.
Data acquisition stations continuously transmit data to servers designed to record, visualize, and archive this data. Data visualization events represent 3-axis precursor magnetic anomalies as dynamic vectors, providing advanced warning via anomaly detection algorithms for specific areas of increasing tectonic plate stress. Visualizations are then accessible through the ESP NASA World Wind application.
* Kodiak High School Team Wins Europa Challenge Second Year in a RowINSPIRE Conference 2016 A World Bridge: Earthquake Signal Precursors | ESP! Earthquake Signal Precursors
* Earthquake Signal Precursors project, ESP, is working to develop an accurate forecast system for an impending earthquakeEarthquakes Will Be as Predictable as Hurricanes Thanks to AI By Vanessa Bates RamirezIf frogs stop croaking, will the earth start shaking? New research could prove that the animal kingdom holds the key to saving millions of lives (Hartpury Collage) Can animals help us predict earthquakes? A new study involving Hartpury lecturer, Dr Rachel Grant, will aim to unearth the link between animal behaviour and seismic activity.
* experiment: Can frog and bird calls warn us of impending earthquakes?Electrical currents and quake prediction Listen to the full interview with Dr Friedemann FreundTEDxChristchurch 2016 Strange bright lights flash across Wellington sky during earthquake MSN, 2016.11.13 "When nature stresses certain rocks, electric charges are activated, as if you switched on a battery in the Earth's crust," senior researcher at NASA's Ames Research Center, Friedemann Freund, told National Geographic in a 2014 article about the phenomenon.
Mr Freund said the right conditions for earthquake lights occur in less than 0.5 percent of earthquakes worldwide.
AULA MAGNA XX El Dr. Friedemann Freund de la NASA @pucp #AulaMagna2016 pic.twitter.com/iqYeAf4kVV
— Luis Torres Valerin (@ltorresvale) 2016年11月16日SETI Scientists + Artists in Residence Panel SETI Institute scientists will include Jill Tarter, Mark Showalter, Jon Jenkins, Oana Marcu, Friedemann Freund. Bill Diamond, the CEO of SETI Institute will also be joining.10th International Scientific School - 2018 Key Speakers Friedemann Freund (USA)