経過説明(上田教授による)*2 Nemec, Santolik, Parrot and Berthelier, Spacecraft observations of electromagnetic perturbations connected with seismic activity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L05109, doi:10.1029/2007GL032517.
Seismic electric signals and 1/f “noise” in natural timeと言う論文を Physical Review E (PRE)とarXiv.orgに同時投稿。後者はすぐ誰でも見れるから、投稿日の証拠になる。 この段階では、今回のSES(地震前駆信号)は出ていないが、査読中に何か起こったら書き足せるので出版時間が短縮できると言う作戦らしい。
SES activities appeared at Pirgos on Jan. 14, 2008
SESが現れたことを、上記review中の論文にappendixとして足した。そしてNatural Time解析開始。
On Feb. 1, Natural Time analysis of seismicity in expected area showed critical stage was imminent. They submitted the news to Phys. Letters E on the same day.
Forecast for earthquake 6 Richter (Ethnos)
2008/02/14-20:00 ギリシャ南部でM6.5(時事)
予測された地震(最近20年間で最大)が発生:EQ M6.9 occurred on Feb. 14.
Greek Seismologist Varotsos predicts earthquake 6.0R ! (YouTube)
バロストス教授からのコメント:It might be worthwhile to be added that actually after 4 days, i.e., on February 14, 2008, a major earthquake occurred which -according to USGS http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/qed/ had a magnitude 6.9 and epicenter at 36.64N 21.83E. The predicted region in our arXiv paper was 36.0-38.6N, 20.0-22.5E, and hence the earthquake -which is the largest earthquake in Greece during the last twenty years- occurred inside the predicted area.