U23C. Predicting Extreme Events in Natural and Socioeconomic Systems: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Possibilities II

U23C : AGU Fall Meeting 2011 from American Geophysical Union on Vimeo.

Earthquake Forecasting Based on Seismicity
Turcotte, D. L.

Predictability of extremes in non-linear hierarchically organized systems
Kossobokov, V. G.; Soloviev, A.

Earthquake prediction in Japan and natural time analysis of seismicity [PressRelease_U23C-03.pdf]
Uyeda, S.; Varotsos, P.

Scaling Laws, Eartquakes, Chaos and Predictions
Allegre, C. J.; Le Mouel, J.; Narteau, C.

Tracking Earthquake Cascades
Jordan, T. H.

Deep Scientific Drilling at Koyna, India
Gupta, H. K.

Extreme events and their economic consequences
Ghil, M.

Using pattern recognition as a method for predicting extreme events in natural and socio-economic systems
Intriligator, M.
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